Here she is photoed telling Avniarisha that she is indeed "STARDOLLS MOST WANTED HACKER".
Pic courtesy of Jays Graphics

Honestly, I don't think that this printscreen is suspiciously edited or fabricated.
The graphics on the girl who posted this photos blog are not that great.
She seems as if she is just starting with designs and re-doing a screen print that's undetectable takes a cold and calculating scam artist. A scam artist like like Mizzmileycyrus9,
who's been known to cheat, lie and steal.
Just google this girls Stardoll screen name.
Almost everything connected to her has to do with a scam or cheating of some kind.
She's the shady kind of girl who even cheats at SD competitions. Remember this post on The Ugly Side Of Stardoll's blog? What a sneaky little minx. Her credibility was already shot when she pulled that stunt.
The graphics on the girl who posted this photos blog are not that great.
She seems as if she is just starting with designs and re-doing a screen print that's undetectable takes a cold and calculating scam artist. A scam artist like like Mizzmileycyrus9,
who's been known to cheat, lie and steal.
Just google this girls Stardoll screen name.
Almost everything connected to her has to do with a scam or cheating of some kind.
She's the shady kind of girl who even cheats at SD competitions. Remember this post on The Ugly Side Of Stardoll's blog? What a sneaky little minx. Her credibility was already shot when she pulled that stunt.
And when you have so much evidence of scamming built against you,maybe it isn't so wise to save your medoll standing in an empty blue room with you and 6 LE and Skyscraper items that you only paid 2 stardollars for.
Sure, she can go ahead and lie and say she was transferring items from another of her accounts,
but she already denied owning any other accounts on SD.
This girl is a walking trainwreck.
See one of her latest ordeals with another controversial member.
This is one instance of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Just a day before he was hacked,Mizzmileycyrus9
also asked ME to write for her suspicious empty blog.
After hearing Jack's (aka Freeduck_) story I got the strange vibe that she was plotting on doing the same to me. She would need my email to add me to her blog as well.
And I thought she was being nice. She was probably going to hack me all the way to December.
I felt like I was reading a fake copycat of any random elites presentation.
This is the new trend I noticed. A few elite members started it a long time ago and other non elites simply followed suit. Going into long detail about your life on your presentation and trying to sound important and deep.Yawn. Lets just keep it short and sweet. We're only here to have fun. And chances are shes lying about everything anyway, so who really cares?
EDIT: She stole the entire presentation from Miss_LolitaF
EDITS: She even stole Wooldoors graphic for one of her MANY failed blogs.
Everyones innocent until proven guilty MizzMiley, but you already said it yourself. You're Stardolls most wanted hacker.
P.S. Don't bother going to her guestbook to leave nasty comments. She already stated that she closed it due to embarrassment. I mean harassment. Most of the harassment she speaks of were people accusing her of stealing from them.
Watch out for this self-proclaimed hacker. What reason would so many of her friends and strangers have to lie? You could be next.
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