Yes, there has been a impostor on PSG and the fake was
Mizzmileycyrus9 who has been pretending to be
-Pop_Tart- ever since she hacked the real Blake's account late last year. She has been pretending to be Blake on PSG ever since I stupidly changed 'his' e-mail address. So why would I do such a thing??

Well in my defense I had just got back onto Stardoll after a long leave of absence and forgot about the whole hacking thing that happened to the real Blake a while back. I wasn't really thinking clearly.
Ok, so when I got back, I received a guestbook message from who I thought was Blake, asking for me to change his e-mail address. At first I found it a little strange to why he wanted his e-mail changed, but I was so caught up with other things I just changed it.

Then as this fake impostor starts posting, I found 'his' posts very weird and not anything like the real Blake at all. Eariler today, 'he' had posted a story about
Miss_Lolitaf being addicted to Cannabis. At first I was like WTF??? what the hell is this??? This is something that you would find on
Elite News not PSG. Then, I realized that the grammar and the format of the post was nothing compared to the real Blake's past posts on PSG, but still I didn't think much of it. So, all I did was take off the post from the blog and messaged 'Blake' about it.
Then I read a very interesting post on
Memoires of a Medoll (YOU MUST READ IT, IT'S GOOD) about
Mizzmileycyrus9 and that's when everything came into full circle and I had realized that Blake was actually never back, and that this miss miley cyrus chick had still been pretending to be Blake all along after she hacked his account.

After reading that I started looking back at the real Blake's past articles and compared it to the impostors'. Overall, I found a lot of differences, first off, the grammar, if you look back at Blake's past posts you would noticed he used great grammar unlike the imposters'. Second, the punctuation and capitalization; Blake always used correct forms of both and the impostor had a severe lack of both. (For those wondering, Victoria141 is connected to mizzmileycyrus9.)

And if you take a look at the impostor blogger account, your noticed her writing clearly matches the writing on her posts on PSG. Coincidence? I doubt it.
I feel so stupid for not realizing this in the beginning when I received that message in my guestbook I shouldn't have ignored my first reaction, but I did. I just got so caught up with things that I didn't bother looking into it. At least a couple days later, I realized it.
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