My last poem went down well with most of you...surprisingly!
You really like my masterful shit?
You really like my masterful shit?
Asides from Patrick getting all worked up about me calling him a "tranny", Lolita seemed to be getting jealous of not being my favorite little famewhore.

Do not cry me dear, I conjured you up my ponderings into a short and a sweet little three verse poem. Last time's was way too long and it got understandably tedious.
Meow, can I smell a catfight? Whilst Lolita and Patrick scratch out eachother's eyeballs in order to be my favorite fame parasite, the spectators can relax and enjoy this:
There once was a lazy cow named Lolly,
who always rather seemed quite unjolly,
she just sat on her ass,
munching on the green grass,
no wonder she was in melancholy.
The little cow Lolly began to moo,
accidentally farting...emerging a poo,
when the cows came home,
they heard a loud drone,
Lolly's stinky farts blew to to Peru.
As I savor on this piece of beef steak,
I remember how Lolly was a fake,
ditching her projects and her friends,
finally lead to her end,
and for afters...Lolly's devil food cake!
Who would you like me to write about next?
Tell me in the comments.
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