Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Souless Entity is.....

Did you actually think I was going to tell you???

So, a lot of action has been going on in Stardoll lately, in which I haven't been able to keep up with most of it since I've been very busy putting together my modeling agency. But like everyone else, I have my opinion about the latest stories, and of course I want to express them.

The Tylerisbold picture scandal is one everyone is talking about lately. I mean the pictures are there, they seem real, but so what? What people decide to do with themselves outside of Stardoll is their business. Right? I don't believe is was fair to Tyler to be exposed like that, so when I received the pictures a week ago, I knew it would be out of line to write about it. And when I noticed someone started to post links of the pictures in the comments, I deleted them. Everyone knows I'm not a big Tyler fan, but it wasn't about Tyler. If it had happen to someone else I would of done the same thing.

Then a week later a writer over at Mémoires Of A MeDoll makes a post about it and clearly didn't know how to handle the situation really, she went on to place blame on Elite-girl. Then now former PSG writer, Freeduck_ aka Jack conjures up a lie in which he frames Miss_LolitaF and claims she was the one behind the pictures. Really??? Lolita might be a attention seeker, but she isn't going to waste her time making Tyler look bad and let him get all the attention.

As for Jack, dude you were too eager and immature to handle the responsibility of what it takes to be a writer for a blog like PSG. Your posts were entertaining, but you lacked patience and in the end of the day you abused your position. I'm always up for second chances, and if you owe up to your fault, then who knows, maybe Perez and I will be pleased to have you back.

That's all I got for now, glad Perez is officially back!!! Yay!! Even the awesome COMMESdesGARCON aka Gia is a new PSG writer aswell. I know for a fact her posts will be surely entertaining. PSG is clearly changing and becoming more active and I hope you guys appreciate the posts from the writers and give your feedback by commenting!!

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