Hey you gorgeous bitches and loved ones! It's time for us to tell you 'Whats up'!
We'll tell you whats up, fakeshake3's outfit is whats up!

Do you want our opinions? Of course you do!
Selena: Well, I'm not too sure if I like this overglammed mess she put on her MeDoll... All grey and black and... Turquoise?
Jack: This "outfit" is a complete wreck. The dress is a bad shape and bad length and does NOT go with that Hotbuys Bolero, nor those awful turquoise shoes, NOR those elbow length gloves. What was Ellie thinking? Don't even get me started on that hair, it's like she's halfway through becoming a bleach blond and forget to wash out the hair dye.
Selena: Haha, I get it, she wants to show off her 'LE', 'Hot buys' and 'RAREs' (Not that that ugly black dress is rare anymore! It was in the Archive shop a few month back, or last year) Whatever... All I know is that she looks like a granny with too much money who is trying her best to look young again! FAIL! Get out of that shitty outfit, you can do better Ellie! I think...
Jack: She could do SO much better. Usually, Ellie makes simplistic outfits with one dress/a two piece outfit and a bag with a few accessories and those nude shoes she always wears from Decade of the Teens. It is nice to see her in something different, although I totally agree with you Selena, she could do better. It's like she's given up on Stardoll now and doesn't seem to care about her outfits anymore. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a time where Ellie looked good recently.
Selena: Well, I guess that sums it all up! GTFO of that horrid dress and be the stylish Ellie we all know! One more thing, why the fuck are you standing in a cave?
Ahw well, we all love you Ellie

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