Why all the bitchy, argumentative comments? If you don't like the new writers, DON'T READ OUR POSTS. Either that or just open up your own blog and get to writing. I've been watching comments for a while and they're getting more and more venomous.
Haters -vs- Just keeping it real:
I think some people are haters, while some might honestly not like the posts. But I find it hilarious that people actually think that their opinion counts if its anonymous. I'm sure that we don't care if a few like our posts or not. For everyone who hates it, there's another who loves it.
Word of advice to anyone who writes on a blog:
Don't let negative comments keep you from writing. That's what most of them want you to do. They're jealous that they lack the skills and creativity to even write a nursery rhyme much less a blog post that anyone would take the time out to read.
At lack for better words:
I will say that I do agree with the rants about Jacks foul language. It is very excessive and it probably does make our blog look cheap and gross, which is why I try to balance it out by not cursing as much on my posts as I do in my outside life. There are young girls here, and the C- word is very offensive and uncalled for. Even for a lame heaux like Mzmileywhatserface. Although his banner DOES warn of explicit language, most underage readers will read his posts anyway. You can ask that he tone it down but I doubt that he will. Even if you do post long paragraphs of rants in his comments from an anonymous account... *side eye*
Write on dollies! Haters make us famous.
Gotta run but I shall return. Hope you all are enjoying your spring break. I AM!
That is all.
Haters -vs- Just keeping it real:
I think some people are haters, while some might honestly not like the posts. But I find it hilarious that people actually think that their opinion counts if its anonymous. I'm sure that we don't care if a few like our posts or not. For everyone who hates it, there's another who loves it.
Word of advice to anyone who writes on a blog:
Don't let negative comments keep you from writing. That's what most of them want you to do. They're jealous that they lack the skills and creativity to even write a nursery rhyme much less a blog post that anyone would take the time out to read.
At lack for better words:
I will say that I do agree with the rants about Jacks foul language. It is very excessive and it probably does make our blog look cheap and gross, which is why I try to balance it out by not cursing as much on my posts as I do in my outside life. There are young girls here, and the C- word is very offensive and uncalled for. Even for a lame heaux like Mzmileywhatserface. Although his banner DOES warn of explicit language, most underage readers will read his posts anyway. You can ask that he tone it down but I doubt that he will. Even if you do post long paragraphs of rants in his comments from an anonymous account... *side eye*
Write on dollies! Haters make us famous.
Gotta run but I shall return. Hope you all are enjoying your spring break. I AM!
That is all.
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