How to party like Pippa! As it's claimed she's writing a book on throwing the perfect party, a tongue-in-cheek guide
By David Thomas
Last updated at 8:34 AM on 1st November 2011
Pippa Middleton is in talks with publishers about writing a book on party etiquette and it seems that she's got all the necessary qualifications.
Not only does she help run her parents' party supply website - Party Pieces - but she's also been snapped being the life and soul of various bubbly shindigs.
She's dressed as a chav, wrapped herself in loo roll and even climbed to the top of a human pyramid - all for merry larks.
If you follow in her footsteps, fun is guaranteed.

How to do fancy dress: Avoid uniforms, did you see how much trouble they got Prince Harry into?
I adore fancy-dress parties, but it's such hard work trying to think of a theme. I used to think it was a safe bet to go for uniforms, but since Harry got into all that trouble for wearing a swastika armband, that's a no-no. So now I'm all about WAGs.
It's totally hilair getting dressed up in Burberry and Adidas and cheap bling and then talking all 'ghetto' (hint: just end every sentence with 'innit'!).

How to do be really popular: Be a very good sport - it's hysterical
If a girl wants to be popular, she has to be a really good sport. Here I am showing my fun side by wearing a dress that is made of actual, real loo paper!
All the naughty boys pour wine on it to see if it goes soggy, or try to tear sheets off the bottom — it's literally hysterical! One word of advice: don't use up all the actual loo paper in the house, or things could get a bit stressy later.
But don't worry — you can buy a genuine Pippa-Style Andrex Party Frock from Party Pieces (our family website) for just £179.99
Smart girls know how to cope with social emergencies. Here I am wearing my fave Alice Temperley red dress, and it's all totally wicked, but then — OH. MY. GOD!
When it comes to proper, upper-class entertaining, after-dinner games are essensh! Sardines, Murder In The Dark and Hide The Sausage are just three super-fun things to play.
But nothing beats a really good human pyramid. All the boys show how strong they are by holding it up, and then all us girls can have a good squeal when we try to climb to the top.
It's crucial to be the girl on top — like me — because then you know that you're the thinnest.
If you're entertaining on a student budget, every penny counts. So when I was at Edinburgh — in Scotland, where they take saving money very seriously — I scrimped on my party make-up by ignoring expensive cosmetics counters and getting it all from Ryman, the stationery shop.
A few stick-on shiny stars really brighten up any girl's face, and they hide any embarrassing spots, too!
First someone starts taking snaps when I'm having a totally 110 per cent innocent boogie with my ex, 'Sharky' Astor. And then I have a major wardrobe malfunction, just like Chelsee Healey did on Strictly.
Chelsee started crying, silly girl. What you have to do is put your arm across the danger zone and then keep smiling. Works every time — and Sharky absolutely loved it!

How to host a dinner party: After-dinner games are essensh!

How to entertain on a student budget: Get your 'make-up' from Rymans
But nothing beats a really good human pyramid. All the boys show how strong they are by holding it up, and then all us girls can have a good squeal when we try to climb to the top.
It's crucial to be the girl on top — like me — because then you know that you're the thinnest.
If you're entertaining on a student budget, every penny counts. So when I was at Edinburgh — in Scotland, where they take saving money very seriously — I scrimped on my party make-up by ignoring expensive cosmetics counters and getting it all from Ryman, the stationery shop.
A few stick-on shiny stars really brighten up any girl's face, and they hide any embarrassing spots, too!

How to come with photographers: Look composed and demure at all times... unlike the girls in the background here
Just look at the girls behind me. One of them’s got her mouth wide open and the other is flashing her armpit. Big mistake! One missed shave and it’s a Julia Roberts-style disaster!
I, on the other hand, look happy, yet demure. And I complete the look by having multi-millionaire Carphone Warehouse founder David Ross next to me. Perfect!

How to behave at social engagements: Always have the biggest wine glass and don't be afraid to take risks with your appearance
Mummy is my heroine. Her No.1 rule for social events is: Always make sure you have the biggest wine glass!
I don't know how she does it. I mean, here we are together at a super bash and I'd swear all the glasses were identical, but hers looks twice the size! I love this picture because for once you can't see Mummy's perfect pins. I know she has the best legs in the family, but really, does she have to remind everyone all the time?
Never be afraid to take risks with your appearance. Here I am, for example, going to a rollerdisco.
Now, I could have played it straight: just that adorable little dress and simple black courts and people would have thought: 'Good Lord! What a stunning girl, with a perfect figure and tumbling hair to die for!' But because I've added some girly pink legwarmers and shades they know I'm not only gorgeous, I'm also fun, fun, fun!
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