I had to kiss Johnny Depp 16 times': Lucky Carey Mulligan reveals romantic scene was axed because she was too nervous
By Alanah Eriksen
Last updated at 4:00 PM on 4th November 2011
Lucky actress Carey Mulligan has revealed a kissing scene with Johnny Depp in their movie had to be axed because she looked too 'uncomfortable'.
The Oscar-nominated British star appeared alongside the Hollywood heartthrob in the 2009 film Public Enemies.
'I had to kiss him several times,' she told the Graham Norton Show.

Embarrassed: Carey Mulligan told the Graham Norton Show a kissing scene with Johnny Depp in Public Enemies had to be cut because she looked to uncomfortable
'It was 16 times, but it was cut out of the film because I looked so uncomfortable.
'I was kissing Johnny Depp and I got really nervous.'
Carey, 26, whose appearance on the show alongside Johnny Depp, said she still finds it difficult to accept she is appearing opposite huge names, including her latest role in The Great Gatsby with Leonardo DiCaprio.
'I grew up watching everything he's ever done and it's difficult as I have to hide my inner fan when I am around him - it's terrible.

Co-stars: Johnny also appeared on the show which will be screened on BBC tonight

Showing their support: The attractive pair were joined by comedian Ricky Gervais, with the trio all donning poppies for Remembrance Day
'He claims not to be able to dance when we do a dancing scene and I have to hide the fact that I know he can because I saw him dance in Titanic.'
And she admitted she was a little embarrassed about her parents seeing some of her movies.
In another new film, Shame, she plays a character with sex addiction, which she described as 'a little bit racy'.

Best friends now: Ricky talked about his famous comments at the Golden Globes where he mocked Johnny and Angelina Jolie's new film The Tourist

That's karma for you! Johnny gets his own back in a sketch for Ricky's new show, Life's Too Short
'Dad hasn't seen it. He's not allowed,' she said.
The attractive pair were joined by comedian Ricky Gervais, with the trio all donning poppies for Remembrance Day.
Ricky talked about his famous comments at the Golden Globes where he mocked Johnny and Angelina Jolie's new film The Tourist.

Asking the right questions: The foursome were also joined by funnyman Ed Byrne at the London Studios for the filming of the show
Johnny gets his own back though, appearing in a sketch for Ricky's new show, Life's Too Short.
'He is alright, he’s in the new show,' Ricky said.
'People said "You’ve insulted everyone, Johnny Depp is furious". So I sent him an email and said "Sorry about the Globes" and he said "I loved it, of course I wasn’t annoyed”.'

Joining in: Ed Byrne looked excited to be in the company of the A-listers
Asked if Angelina Jolie is in his new show too, he said: 'I didn’t ask her, she didn’t look so happy.'
Asked why he had said yes to appearing in Ricky’s series, Johnny said: 'There was no way to reject it, it was just so perfect.'
Ricky also revealed: 'Robert De Niro called me up after the Globes and said "Good job, you were great, would you like me to talk to anyone?" I thought he was going to have someone whacked.'
Ricky then asked: 'I didn’t buy the controversy about the Globes, who did I really offend?'
And Carey proclaims: 'I was there and I think you offended quite a few people.'
Joining the show hotfoot from the London premier of his latest film, The Rum Diary, Johnny talked about his friendship with Hunter S Thompson on whose diary the film is based.
Graham described Johnny as ‘the best character actor in the world’.
He modestly responded: 'Good lord. I think it’s just some form of schizophrenia that has worked for me. My characters are born out of strange things like the extreme heat of a sauna and other things and then I bring them to set.
'The conversation [with film executives] normally starts with "What is wrong with you?"'
- The Graham Norton Show screen on BBC One tonight at 10.35pm
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2057621/Carey-Mulligan-I-kiss-Johnny-Depp-16-times-Public-Enemies.html#ixzz1cluZ5haN
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