She reveals that she had been hiding under an account by the name of TVDfanF. Doing what exactly? I have no idea. In typical Lolita style, her presentation is rather cryptic. In all, she's only been gone for about nine/ten days... did she miss us*? (*and by "us" I mean the evil gremlins that populate Dollywood)
A quick visit to this TVDfanF page reveals some serious lulz:

Oh Lolita, you are an endless source of amusement! The only true response to this nonsense that comes to mind is "WTF?". This whole process of theatrically "leaving" Stardoll only to come crawling back is a bit... routine by now.
Welcome back Lollipops! You were missed (for the week you were gone). ;D
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!! Apparently, her account was under attack by vicious Polish hackers.

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