I am Star_Awards.
I don't think it's really that shocking if you really think about it. I didn't really hid it that well. I had told a few friends like N1mka4eva & Writemarycat who I was long ago. They weren't really shocked by it. I don't really think it's a big deal anymore. It's just good to actually have it all out there now, officially.
So how did I come up with Elite News and my 'Baya Nikolas' persona?? Well, before EN I had a other little blog, called The Gossip Dish. The blog was more like the Stardoll version of the National Enquirer. Nothing but stupid stories that didn't have really any credit to them. Before you all go WTF, let me explain. Most of the stories on there were kind of mean and not true. During that time, stardoll was changing and boring. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but I did. I even came up with a story about my gay affair with -Inspired- , which was all a publicly stunt. I'm not bi, I'm GAY, and -Inspired- is just another account of mine. So, now it should all make a little sense now right?? I ended The Gossip Dish once my cover was kind of blown with a image I used on one of the posts, but I kept denying it was me behind it. I made a few more posts, but started to feel guilty about it. So I thought about making a new blog, a blog that wouldn't hurt people's feelings, but make people laugh instead. Then Elite News was born, Stardoll's first INTENTIONAL fake gossip tabloid. You all should know the rest from there.
I have 3 active accounts, Star_Awards, -Inspired-, and EliteNews. Star_Awards has my real info, my real name is Vanessa Ivette Mendieta, I'm an Hispanic Amercian, I speak both English and Spanish. I'm going to be 20 on June 9th. I have a part time job, and go to a community college.
My two other accounts, -Inspired- and EliteNews are more like characters that I created. They both show some of my real life traits that I was scared to show as Star_Awards. I will still continue with EliteNews as if nothing ever changed. "Baya Nikolas" is a character that has a life of it's own. She's confidant, strong, honest and ignores those who try to tear her down.
So that's it for now guys. Sorry if I let any of you down or anything. I've always tried to give people second chances, so I hope you do the same.
PS, where the hell is the Staroll gossip??? Come on people, someone start a feud, reveal a secret, or say their leaving stardoll then come back as some one else!!! lol.
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