FUCK YOU. It's established, that a slim few like you. Not only have you been looking a little bride of Frankenstein-ish lately, you've been causing unecessary drama. It's obvious that no one cares about you, so when you finally see that the whispers surrounding your name have hushed - you go and do some dumbass act to an INNOCENT person. It's obvious that you're run down from all those late night whoring sessions... because we all know that you couldn't have afforded your account on your own. Excuse me, you say you're from New York City to SOME PEOPLE, and personally tell me that you're from New York state, and you HATE the people in your town because they're "racist". It's obvious that you're quite sensitive to racism... because you've bitched and complained about it on several occasions. All you do is BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH! It's getting on everone's nerves, and obviously contagious... because I'm writing this bitchy post TO YOU, and you only. You need to be put in your place, because it's obvious that your head is harder than your cock when you see little boys. Yeah, you heard me. I doubt you're even a girl - much less a teen one. Don't even go and say "I can prove it", because all you have to do is log onto facebook and steal a picture. You're lamer than lame, and think you're hot shit... in the same outfit for a month. BONJOUR... please change your dress, damnit! This is for Nicole-0, because you targeted her. She's my friend, and no one messes with her.
With love,
Anthony :)
P.S. - Note the fact that there is cum all over her. Further proof that she's a man... who jacks to pics of children. EW.
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