Hey everyone, I know I missed out last week's Style Stalker which has been bugging me, but I have been really busy with school and real life etc! Anyway, So this is my first post with my brand new banner created by my good friend
Manolo.DiCicco He is talented, a wonderful friend and I am sure you guys will be seeing alot more of him!
BUT back to business, this week I style stalked Maj23 aka Andry, and to be quite blunt about it, I love everything to do with her style, even the most simplest of outfits, I believe she pulls of well and makes them look unique. Andry has a great sense of colours and tones, and knows what works and what doesn't, and she takes risks with mix and matching outfits and they often work! My favourite of them has to be 2 and 3! Which is your favourite? Let me know.
That's all for now guys, hopefully see alot of you on Sunday at
The Stardoll Freakshow Awards. Invitation is
HERE Love Nicole-0
P.S I would just like to clear something up, I am quite bothered that Anthony has tried to kinda put the blame on me, I love him and all but I did not approve anything, I read his post, then went and checked on skype what I said, and I said it was a little harsh and YOUR call. I guess that is kinda 'approving' because I didn't say no. I've already apologised in Anthony's post's comments, I definetly did
NOT want anyone to feel bullied! Anyway I am so bored of this drama, we should be focussing on more important things, such as
THE FREAKSHOW AWARDS this sunday. Have no idea what to wear! See you all there!