Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rare Public Display of Affection as Bill and Hillary Stroll Arm in Arm (but he's clearly not lost his Eye for the Ladies)

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Former president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary stroll arm in arm during a shopping trip in New York. The former president is distracted by a blonde as he strolls along Madison Avenue with his wife

Daily Mail

Strolling arm in arm through the streets of New York, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary indulge in a rare public display of affection.

The pair looked relaxed on a shopping trip along Madison Avenue and chatted and waved to onlookers as they strolled down the street.

But it appears that - even in his wife's presence – Mr. Clinton has not lost his eye for the ladies. He stopped to chat to a blonde woman before he and Mrs. Clinton got into a secret service vehicle a few blocks away.

The relaxed nature of their outing could fuel rumours that Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton, 63, is about to step down from public life. She has previously admitted she could not see herself remaining in office if President Obama wins a second term next year.

And she has ruled herself out of running for the presidency again after she was beaten in the Democratic primary by Mr. Obama in 2008.  When asked if she could see herself in office after 2012, she said: 'No, I really can't.

'The whole eight (years), I mean that would be very challenging. But I... don't want to make any predictions sitting here.'

Mr. Clinton and his wife appear to have patched up their differences after the Monica Lewinsky scandal during his time in the White House.

The former president has become a world statesman since leaving office through his work with the Clinton Global Initiative. Mrs. Clinton is rarely pictured with her husband as she spends a great deal of her time abroad in her role as Secretary of State.

But it may be that the Clintons are preparing to remove themselves from the public eye after decades on the front line. Mr. Clinton earlier this month revealed he had become a vegan to try and reverse the damage caused by years of unhealthy eating.

Whilst in office, he famously binged on junk food, but now consumes no meat, dairy or eggs. The 65-year-old - whose family has a history of heart disease - had a quadruple bypass in 2004.

He lost 20lbs before his daughter Chelsea's wedding last August and has spoken of his desire to live long enough to be a grandfather.

He said: 'One day I'll probably get to be a crotchety old grandfather and have a lot of fun on the floor playing with kids, but that's not up to me.'


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