Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MSW is Total BS!

I havent written in a while but while I was reading a post on USD I started thinking...

It amuses me to see how Stardoll pretends to be a virtual paradise where everything is fair and balanced. Anyone with the least bit of sense would realize that every little thing they do is about money. But it surprised me to see the amount of young girls that have developed this obsession with Stardoll's new gimmick, MSW.

I got a good laugh a couple weeks ago when Reece's prez said something about voting him for Miss (Mister) Stardoll World. At one point I thought it would be impossible for someone with a reputation like his to even have the slightest chance of winning. But after reading Stardoll's newest Facebook update, my feelings have changed.

Apparently, the voting is now in our hands, meaning EVERYONE on SD with more than 400 starpoints can be voted for and can vote.

Letting the members of Stardoll vote for their virtual "queen" is probably the dumbest idea they've had so far. I imagine the next few weeks with be filled with spamming noobs who hardly have a shot at CG (let alone msw!) but they feel as though they deserve to win because they have a mediocre suite and DKNY in their closet.

Hopefully this year will be different but I strongly doubt it. If the winner is anything like last year's, she'll be some random chick with thousands of starpoints, from some tiny little country, who floods the broadcast station with her constant nagging for CG votes (as if she hasn't gotten enough).

I guess that's just my feelings about it, but over the past few months, Stardoll's staff has been doing less and less in the favor of it's customers and more in favor of themselves. If you ask me, MSW is just another way to make money and drive attention deprived teens virtually insane.

What do you think?
Will you be participating in MSW??
Will you vote for Reece? (lol)


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