It all began when Effay wrote "JACK AND NOJ ARE FAGG*TS AND LADYGAGAMCQUEEN IS A FAMEWH*RE" on his presentation. Of course Nojarama wasn't too pleased by the derogatory term and felt it was homophobic and downright rude on a personal level, which he posted about it on Beg For More. But according to Nojo, Effay is bi-sexual, which didn't make sense to why Effay would use that word in such a horrible way.
Other's feel although Effay's statement wasn't no joking matter, that this is karma for Nojo's Lady Gaga/Jesus Dress-up game and how it was offensive to Christians. Which quickly escalated into the whole religion debate and how non-Christians must respect Christianity. Blah, blah, blah.....never ending story.
Many people made their way into Effay's guestbook to put in their 2 cents about the drama. When Nojo made sure to do the same also, Effay demanded Nojo was not welcome in his guestbook and referred Nojo to "Satan." In the end, Effay later removed the statement in his presentation and wrote "Everybody makes mistakes, fack you all who are perfect." Which I'm still puzzled whether or not it was a apology???
Whatever the drama was generally about, I hate how religion played a part of it. I personally feel when it comes to religion, there will always be conflict. Meaningless conflict.
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