Earlier as I was taking a look at Tylerisbold’s suite, I saw that Undamyumbrellla - the former writer here at PSG, had written to him. Me being the nosy person that I am decided to take a look at the message as it seemed a little... let’s say odd? As I proceeded to read the Guestbook messages it became clear that Kasia was talking about the newest Eternity cover and shoots that involved Bluegreen86 – Kasia’s best friend. Evidently she wasn't too fond of them, and she sure wanted him to know it.
What I truly dislike about what she said is how she calls Mary ‘’awful’’, knowing that they were once good friends. What do you think of this, is the cover really that scandalous? Now that Kasia may be finally leaving, is she saying everything she held back when she was on top of the stardoll ‘social scene’ that she now so badly despises?
PS. Did anyone else realise that Britneys07's account has been deleted? Odd seeing as just yesterday she was asking Tyler for a comment on the E ''release'', which made me think that she was going to bring back her blog, peculiar...
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