Stardoll's resident good-girl, Lovinitlovinit (a.k.a. Camille) always talks about how one day, she will become a prettier, skinnier crack whore (like the Kate Moss version of Courtney Love. Well, I guess that time is a little closer than we all thought. Recently spotted sporting a bambi tattoo, un-matching makeup, two Saturns as a bra, 5 o'clock shadow, and various stardoll clothing. This crack whore, just looks like a hot mess. Could she have been hacked? The world may never know. I guess she earned herself a new name. Firecrotch! Who knew that Lindsay Lohan was a stardoll real celebrity? I sure didn't! Hopefully, there won't be scandal over getting any part of her outfit - but the Limeted Edition studded belt. Speaking of studs, they go perfect with the hooker boots. I see we're going with the transvestite, bondage look. Nice.
When asked how she created this... "look" she answered:
"Well Anthony, in between acid hits - I decided to create a new, ultra couture look. It may not seem NORMAL, but neither did Dior's New Look when he first released it."
What do you think? Hacked ... or just plain high?
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