With all the kerfuffle and controversy surrounding Eternity's choice to display nudity as an art form, I just wanna put something out there...i guess it's my two cents but whatevs...
Another magazine decided to debut it's january issue with covergirl and all round bell de jour Melanie (aka Bluegreen86), the magazine is called D and I only really just found out about it (check it - it's amazing!).
Eternity upped the controversy factor with it's pics of Mel in her nuddie pants and yes...it got us all worked up, whether on artistic integrity or her age or some other shit that i never even knew existed but anyway i digress...but D magazine kept it pure and simple and i'll tell you something - they won me over with that issue because when Muse magazine (the real Muse magazine) depicted Lindsay Lohan dry humpin a dude in all her perma tanned glory nobody really wanted to see that did they? Everyone kind of went...yeuch! Come on biznatch put some clothes on u'll catch ur death and i kinda feel the same with Mel cos she's such a sweet chick and i'll be frank, i don't wanna be havin to check the size of her virtual bangers under that see-through muslin sheet yeah...
So i kinda feel obliged to stick with kasia on this one, D made a pretty gd magazine without plastering some chick's virtual ass to the whole world in the name of art - god, just because u can make a cartoon of a chick with her tits hanging on it don't make u picasso, it don't make u cultured or sophisticated or remotely interesting at all so pls ppls! Stop with the nuddies!
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