....in the nicest way possible. To shut those annoying bitches up, Alice (Hunnigall) went ahead and released a blog, called How To Be Hunnigall. It's not a conceited blog where she tells you what to wear or anything like that, it's a pure graphic-help blog. In the short time she has released it (November 13), she already has three different hand/skin tutorials out, including a method on how to shade. Alice really took a step up by revealing her secrets, and is obviously very sure of herself and her talent. You can view three different tutorials so far, The Shady Lady Way, The Smoothly Groovy Way, and The Botchy Swatchy Way. They are all skin tutorials.
In the future, I am looking forward to a hair tutorial, or even how to make poses accurately. Check out her blog, and make sure you comment, to be featured in the 'Your Stuff' tab.
Aren't you excited to know the secrets behind Alice's trade? And please, if you're going to be rude and say she's trying to gain popularity or something, she's probably just trying to get people to stop asking her questions on how to make her graphics and such. If you want a tutorial, go ahead and request one via Message or Comment.
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