Recently I have started to feel bad for the current fame whores, they go out of their way to get a mention and I feel they deserve their 15 minutes in the 'spotlight' so in honour of their antics and desperate attempts at stardoll famez I am going to stock pile our favorite attention starved hoochies for our evil lols.
This is the FIRST of two posts, I want our readers to leave comments on who they feel should be featured on the second list but for now here are MY picks. Enjoy!

For the sake of clarity I'll call her Serviette, this girl is many things; a liar, a cheat and a horrible friend and beyond that she's a hypocrite and all round failed attention whore who knows no bounds - stealing from people? no problem. Blackmailing her 'friends' for SS membership and their rare items? Done and done. Faking somebodies death for her own depraved sense of humor? Done it. I can not count on my fingers and toes how often she has threatened to leave Stardoll, once even getting her Mom to try and sue them for closing her account after she abused the loophole and threatened people repeatedly. Her band of loyal followers are just as pathetically irritating with their actual belief miss Debbie is some sort of Godly figure.
Fame Whore Rating: 9.5

Ashley as she likes to be called is actually kind of nice, she inoffensive and generally like able but I doubt many will rebuff me calling her a fame whore, her claims to be a rich and powerful heiress are laughable at best and her constant online relations border on slutty, a term I regard as mostly useless online.
Once known for attending the opening of an envelope you could count on Ashley to attend all elite events, usually with a new man* in tow. Many have claimed she herself creates her boyfriend accounts and frankly it would not surprise me at all because we all know she is not a rich socialite.
Fame Whore Rating: 6.0

Big time liar and fame seeker, Patty use to pretend to be a girl called Kristen but after his failed attempts at becoming well known he pulled a springate and tried to surprise us all by admitting his true gender but everyone already knew, it had been a non secret for a long time after dear Patty went on tinychat with the name 'devie44' and looking back from his cam was a male! he tried denying it for months on msn and used some poor girls pictures as proofs with horrible photoshoping for the luls and when he finally decided to out himself and he tried in vain to get blogs to feature his story and let the stardoll community know who he really was, which nobody did because non of us cared.
Fame Whore Rating: 7.5

Basically she is a bat shit crazy club goer usually found making fake hater accounts on FashionClub to make people feel sorry for her, she is obsessed with her weight and constantly brags about being underweight and ever popular cheerleader and she threatened to actually kill herself when I told people a video on youtube was of her as a prank (watch it HERE). Her attention seeking knows no bounds, she pretends to leave and then comes back in less then 30 minutes claiming withdrawal syntoms and saying she was convinced to come back by her non existent friends. Her lowest point was saying all gay people should get aids.
Fame Whore Rating: 8.0
Thanks to TickleMeEmo_x3, coolstuff12345, HotFusion and Yeah-Baybeehh for their valued input!
So, who do YOU think should be on our next list? make your voice heard my pretties!
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