The party that shall go down in history took place last night as plenty of you know; Tylerisbold was the host, and I must say, he throws the BEST parties! He also announced several upcoming projects such as the return of ‘Pearls or Pigeons’ and that he will be collaborating with Dodence_bt on a brand new project – something to look out for! And of course a party with well over 100 people (one of them being Style, making a surprise entrance at the end!) you can expect drama, and I can assure you that there was plenty! The biggest ‘drama’ of the night? Writemarycat and Hunnigall’s oh-so-entertaining spat which seemed to be over their magazines, the top magazines of the stardoll world today in fact, so what brought this on, jealousy perhaps?
*these are just some of the many shots, but I guess they're enough to display what happened.:)*
No way! These are two amazing girls, and they sure know how to put on a great show – the life of the party? Definitely! So, my finishing questions (anyone noticed that I’m really in to rhetorical questions, or is it just me? Eh!) Were you at the party, what did you think of the show Mary and Alice put on? Also what are you hoping for the upcoming and returning projects? Oh, and remember to look out for
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