FHM hung out with (and fancied) Yasmin
Yasmin isn’t just your average hot girl DJ on the decks pointing her finger in the air, no siree. As if DJing wasn’t enough of a talent she’s quickly becoming THE solo artist to watch. She’s had an absolute whopper of a year collaborating with big dogs like Labrinth, Chase and Status and Devlin and now she’s only bloody nominated for MOBO. We tracked her down right before she played the Guinness Arthur’s Day stage to talk about cheap noodles, puking and partying with Example.
So you got your first gig by you know, just phoning up Pharrell right?
Not quite. N.E.R.D were doing a show in London and I saw the advert in the paper. It had an the name of the concert promoters so I called them and said ‘is there any support act for the N.E.R.D concert?’ They said no, and I said that I’d love to warm up the crowd for N.E.R.D and they said ‘yeah cool’, send over a mix tape. So I sent them one and that was it. Pretty lucky.
Nothing like that has ever happened to us. Is Pharrell a God like we imagine?
Yeah, he’s a lovely guy, a really nice bloke. He’s really talented, very suave, very stylish. It’s weird though, he just looks so youthful all the time I have no idea how old he is.

What do you do if you’re mooching about at home?
If I’m having a lazy day I’d listen to Ed Sheeran’s album and some Frank Ocean. I’m obsessed with TV series. I just go plough through one after the other. Right now I’m ripping through The Wire. If I watch telly it’s usually Girls of the Playboy Mansion and other car crash telly. I usually just stuff my face with those 6p noodles from Tesco. They’re the best, so cheap!

Who’s the most fun to hang out with in the ‘biz’?
Example for sure. I toured with him in Ibiza. We’re like a little family. Also that guy knows how to party. We’d go to strip clubs in Ibiza. In our complex all the bands were together and we were just ransacking the place. Emptying everyone’s minibars, we all jumped in the pool at 6 in the morning. It’s always a crazy party when Example’s around.
You grew up in Glasgow, have you ever eaten a battered Mars bar?
No, I once tried a piece of deep fried pizza and it was disgusting. Every time I burped the next day it smelt like grease.
What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed up?
I’ve done like, about up to 48 hours but I need sleep, if I don’t sleep I just spew.
That's weird. Have you done that?
Yeah, once I was in the studio with Labrinth making a song on my album called Told You So. But the next day was with Lab [rinth] and I couldn’t move the session. I was so pooped I fell asleep on the couch for about 3 hours, woke up at and was like ‘uh oh.’ I ran out the studio but didn’t make it and spewed red bile sick everywhere. I was so embarrassed.
What was your first ever CD?
It wasn’t cool. It was the Greatest Dance Album In The World Ever Part One. There were all these dance remixes of Eternal and Louise Redknapp. Sorry, it was just Louise back then. The Spice girls, Shaggy. Amazing.

Were you cool in school?
Yeah, I was cool.
Who would you most like to work with?
I’d love to work with Kanye West, I love him. I’d love to have him rap on the track, but I’d kinda like him to produce a track for me. He’s definitely got his finger on the pulse. He’s a really good producer. I actually got to actually hear Watch the Throne before it came out, because he was blaring it out in his dressing room at the Big Chill. I was like oh my Gooooood, is that what we think it is. I am so blessed.
Are you a loner or a team player?
I’m actually quite a loner sometimes in general. The amount of times I just sit and have lunch on my own. I think having lunch on your own is one of the most depressing things in life. You know before I started making music, when I was DJing, I did everything on my own. I’ve never had those groupie friends who you drag to your gig and are just massive spongers.
What, dickheads?
Yeah dickheads.
What do your mates think of all the fame stuff?
I never had a little posse but I’m not a me me me me person. I like to see everybody win. That’s why I like this scene in the UK at the moment, where everyone like Ed [Sheeran] and Lab [rinth] and everyone is hanging out together. It makes me happy when everyone’s having number ones, it's never jealousy or bitterness.
Yasmin performed as part of the annual Arthur's Day celebrations in Ireland on 22nd September which was marked by a series of high-profile music events and celebrations to honour the remarkable life and legacy of Arthur Guinness—the legendary philanthropist and founder of GUINNESS®. A percentage of ticket proceeds from the event will go towards the Arthur Guinness Fund. The internal fund created by Guinness & Co, is used to create opportunities for communities in several countries around the World including providing skills for life and supporting social entrepreneurs.
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