Hat's our boy! Elton John and David Furnish beam with fatherly pride as they're snapped with their little boy Zachary
By Marcus Barnes
Last updated at 8:42 AM on 28th October 2011
One of his two dads has a penchant for headwear so it would be safe to assume that baby Zachary was dressed by Elton John.
The ten-month-old was carried by daddy number two David Furnish as they left their hotel in New York.
And he crowning glory was a old man-style flat cap in grey with the Union Jack emblazoned across the top.

Happy families: Elton John and David Furnish with their son Zachary checking out of their hotel in New York City

Keeping warm: Zachary was dressed in a grey winter coat and matching hat with the Union Jack printed on it
The couple kept Zachary warm in a grey hooded coat, with a green tracksuit and blue socks.
Meanwhile, Elton himself was dressed in a black Adidas tracksuit with a pair of black shoes.
Partner David Furnish went for a smarter look wearing jeans, a black leather biker jacket and a white T-shirt.

Surrogate: Elton and David conceived their son via a surrogacy program in America

Keeping a firm grip: David Furnish carries Zachary to their waiting car
Zachary was born on Christmas Day last year and, after the couple undertook a surrogacy program in America, the mixing of their semen specimens was allowed - a process which is currently banned in the UK - before being used to fertilise a previously chosen egg.
When asked which of them is Zachary's biological father, Furnish explained: 'We both contributed. For the time being we don't have a clue. We look at him every day and at the moment he has Elton's nose and my hands.
'Neither of us care. He's our child. The important thing is that he's healthy and happy and loved.'

Big hearts: Singer Elton John and his husband David Furnish attend the event for his charity which supports innovative HIV prevention programs and efforts to eliminate discrimination associated with the disease
Earlier this week Elton John hosted a party for 60 guests at Manhattan’s The Four Seasons restaurant to mark Furnish’s 49th birthday.
Stars at the event included Rufus Wainwright, Barbara Walters, fashion designer Calvin Klein and tennis legend Billie Jean King.
Furnish was handed three cakes from the Magnolia Bakery with the words ‘Happy’, ‘Birthday’ and ‘David’ written on each, according to New York Post gossip column Page Six.

Party people: Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, Elton John and David Furnish ttend Neuro Hosts One Night Only Party With One Republic At Southern Hospitality BBQ
And, on Wednesday, Sir Elton threw another party in New York, the Elton John AIDS Foundation 10th Annual Enduring Vision Benefit, at Cipriani Wall Street.
The event, hosted by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, honoured three people who are working to prevent the disease.
They were, John Demsey, the director of the MAC Aids Fund, celebrity photography Greg Gorman, who has donated his time to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and benefactors of Elton's charity, Bob and Tamar Manoukian, of the Manoukian Foundation.
Also at the event was the former Duchess Of York Sarah Ferguson, Jon Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea Hurley, Alec Baldwin and his yoga teacher girlfriend Hilaria Thomas and Gossip girl actress Kelly Rutherford.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2054483/Elton-John-David-Furnish-beam-fatherly-pride-theyre-snapped-Zachary.html#ixzz1c45M47aK
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