best modication honda jazz color white

best modification honda jazz color white

best modification honda jazz color white
The concept of the famous tuner Mugen in Japan, dubbed F154SC through his work based on the Honda Fit (All New Jazz at the Homeland), it has become the reference for that hatcback sedan owners. Including Tito Adiningrat, frontman Genji team (GE New Jazz Indonesia) Surabaya branch was anesthetized with the flow.
Like what kind of modification F154SC? Kira-presumably, lead to better racing with the most prominent physical "wide body" plus wheels and of course adjusted to increase engine power by cramming spec supercharger. But on the final element of Jazz Tito abolished.
To apply the concept F154SC, Tito gave up GE8 (All New Jazz) faces made out in her favorite. According to him, almost all custom made. "To be great, all fused together over fenders made of the body," explains Tito.
Part is made of fiberglass materials compounded with thin Putty. The goal, the pursuit of rigidity, considering this golf devotee mounts close to the character of functional daily. Hence, over-fenders penyematan areas, especially the back, get serious attention. Because, penggelembungannya has included a door that is always moving.
Not only that. Bonnet and bumper-bumper made very precise with the acquisition of basic design of the Internet. Mugen Fit F154SC remember the original is not here. To distinguish a national work inspired from konseo tuner Mugen, note the color motif on the body.
Bernuasa motive speed. This game combines cutting sticker brand Takata safety belt and suspension of protein with distinctive colors which are equally green. And this sticker installation procession lasted three days with menghabiskandana Rp2juta.
Another difference, the roof of his car made of glossy jet-black shades, also using the stickers. New claims Tito himself who used this trick in Surabaya. For that, the material on the sticker attached to the roof measuring 1.25 × 1.15 meters.
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