Thursday, August 25, 2011

Decor Couture: Best & Worst

I am completely blown away by all the talent this week! This is probably our most difficult theme to pull off, and you guys really brought your A game and did Mel proud!

eeleenyte10 ~ juicy-much ~ -LimitedEdition
Perez: All three of these are so awesome I don't even know where to begin! eeleenyte10's outfit is so cool and edgy, I can totally see Lady Gaga rocking that. I love the chimney screen as the "lace" neckline, and how she added height to her shoes with the vases, and the over-sized bow-tie is so cute! The layering of the pillows to create the skirt is really nicely done and gave it a cool shape. juicy-much's gown is stunning, the details on that Fallen Angel decoration give it the most beautiful ruching effect, but I have to deduct points for using a top for the neckline and strap. I feel like she could have used the decorations and achieved the same look. -LimitedEdition looks so unbelievably chic, how cute is that toilet seat cover beret?! I love her outfit, you can tell a lot of time and thought was put into it. It's layered seamlessly! I especially love the vases as sleeves, and all the little details at the bottom of the skirt that look like fabric are actually the shadows on cupcake gifts added to give it that flowy effect!

Linda: Decor outfits being one of the most harder outfits to pull off, I must say I'm very impressed. eeleenyte10's outfit even though shaped very oddly I'd say she pulled it off with the top half of the dress. Chimney screen were place brilliantly, and paired with a the bow nicely. I'm not a fan of the shoes. Juicy-much, what a name! The dress, I've seen loads of people wear that exact decor piece in basically the same way. It's nice but didn't stand out amongst the rest. -LimitedEdition you were my favorite out of this group! You paid lots of attention to the little things like your collar. I love the silver detailing a lot! Also the beret, well done!

Dei: Yeah the same as Linda said, I am seen millions of people use that same Fallen Angel item the same way, so.. that is why I am not in love with juicy-much's outfit. While my favorite here is -LimitedEdition's! I mean really, its so neat and lovely, it looks like a real Stardoll made dress. And eeleenyte10's is kinda edgy, but I am not in love with the bow broach-bra.

Celeblover44 ~ Rascal313 ~ LoveGossip4life
Perez: Celeblover's dress is very simple but well-done, it took me a minute to realize those were vases. It just looks like an elegant LBD at first glance, and I love the candlestick as the belt, and her cute flower clip! Rascal's outfit I'm on the fence about. I like the skirt and how she added the chandelier to give it those great beading details, but I feel like it's missing something, like it needed a little jacket or shrug. LoveGossip4life admitted that she cheated and used clothing for her outfit, so she gets a bit of a thumbs down, though I do like how she added the lace and I love her headpiece!

Linda: Ok, Celeblover44. What are you wearing? I have no clue that that dress is made out of (oh after 2mins staring, I gave up and read Perez's comment) but the shape isn't pleasing... at all. That look bored me. Rascal313, finally someone used that decor item and didn't do a long boring gown like one of the girl did in the last group. I like that you didn't over do it, instead you used just the right amount of things. Lovegossip4life cheated, no way! Your outfit is nice, love the lace you add to the top and bottom of the dress and also the belt. The headpiece, it's ok...  

Dei: Lovegossip's is the worst here since she DID add a skirt, which is a big no no, and to be honest, the dress she made with it is kinda fugs, along with the weird looking headpiece. While I think Rascal's was HAUTE, though she did use that same over used item, she did it in a more original way, so I like it. And Celeblover's is my favorite here! Its so 1920's chic, very minimalistic mod. But I hate the headpiece.

liajm ~ kieshagiesha ~ semimilor_jonas ~ coolperson765
Perez: I'm completely obsessed with Lia's dress, the seahorses are TOO CUTE!! I would totally buy that dress if I could, and I love how her background compliments the underwater theme! Kiesha, our sea nymph goddess, totally impressed me this week, the gown is gorgeous and whimsical and her feathered headpiece is such a nice touch. I really like the added dimension of the splashes at her waistline, and the bubble hemline! I like the detail on semimilor_jonas's tube top, it looks like a real print and is very pretty. The skirt is cool too, are those plates? Plates and glowsticks right? coolperson's dress I don't like at all, there's just nothing cute about those pillows, by no stretch of the imagination do they look like an outfit. It's a shame because the glamorous lamp fringe at the bottom is cool.

Linda: Liajm kind of played dirty. My loving seahorses there is no way I can hate this look!It's like the swan dress, minus the swan. Kiesha, I love the feathered headpiece. I just love it all, you are by far my favorite! Semimilor_jonas' it's a very 'boxy' look. I don't like it. Coolperson, your look, (LMAO) well you look soft... but that outfit is so bad I wouldn't rest my head on you. Had you lost the pillows, and done something to the chandelier, like add the white curtains like Kiesha did and you'd have a better outfit.

Dei: I think she is a very very sweet girl, but I seriously don't like Lia's at all.. I seriously think the seahorses look tacky and that the towels make her medoll look pregnant. Kiesha's looks so flamboyant, I love it! While the other two's shapes are frumpy and lumpy. But lmao, I don't want to sound mean, but coolperson, what the HELL were you thinking when you threw on those pillows, girl?

CelebLover44 ~ Medisa ~ PerezStarGossip ~ vitalstatistick
Perez: I'm in love with CelebLover's outfit here!! It just looks like something she bought in Starplaza, just a cool little mini-dress with awesome oversized rosettes, that's how well put together it is. And again, another cute little headpiece, love it! Head to toe she looks awesome. Medisa is like the Barbie version of Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island, I love her pigtails and how she did the little puff sleeves! (Click Here to see what she used.) I was going for a futuristic look, like a high fashion Judy Jetson :D:D vitalstatistick looks cute, if I squint I can imagine the balls as some sort of print, and I like the belt and the cute butterfly shoes that match perfectly. I'm not crazy about the hairstyle though, or the bow, it seems out of place. (Click Here to see what she used in this and the other 3 outfits she made, which you'll see further down on the list.)

Linda: Celeblover44, now this is 100% better! The shoe could have been different but the diy part of your outfit is just amazing! Medisa, hmm I'm not sure if I like this look or not. I like the cotton candy top, but I'm sort of having a love hate relationship with that skirt. Perez, right when I saw your outfit I laughed or smiled... one of the two! Not because it was bad, but because your outfit is so girly and playful. Love the skirt, but that hair... I'd probably would change that. Vitalstatistick, purple balls... at least they weren't blue! I'm not amazed by this dress, but it's ok.

Dei: Celeblover, you look great here! But to be honest, I have seen someone use roses like that before, so it isn't shocking to me, BUT I am not going to suggest you copied them. LOL, Perez, I remember when i first saw your outfit, I removed the fuzzy lamp at the bottom, and you looked like a 60's go-go dancer, all you need is some face paint. Medisa's is cute, not bad at all. While Vitalstatistick's, though its not a bad dress, reminds me of a bunch of warts.. :(

alice2078 ~ mskendall4198 ~ Shiningstar746 ~ starsuperjr
Perez: I can't get into Alice's, I get that she tried to make a fun little romper but it just looks like she's wearing a wet diaper. I find the cupcakes on mskendall4198 and starsuperjr to be very distracting, though starsuper's hat is awesome I think that was well-done. Still, it's hard to look past the individual cupcakes and see an outfit. Shiningstar746, oh no..que paso? You look like someone Carrie Bradshawed your ass in an alley and stole your Manolos. I get not being able to turn out an awesome outfit, it's a tough theme, but there's no excuse for no shoes and no accessories. F-

Linda: What the....Where do I begin? Alice, I love the bow but those hearts are not pleasing on your medoll's model thin figure. Mskendall4198 ahh no. Hate the cupcakes... hate the outfit! Shiningstar746 cute outfit, I don't really have much to say about it. Last outfit just no... no no no!

Dei: LOL, alice2078's looks like she has two asses in the front with a nice pair of sassy tits. Starsuper, nice effort but, it could have been neater. Shiningstar's is.. boring, and lacking. And Mskendall, do you like it when I stare at your cupcakes? *wink*
Linda: LOVE! I so love this look! The dress well made, that little playground thing (jungle gym? what the name for that thing.)

Perez: Now this I love, Mairin always looks great! A lot of people used curtains, but she did it in a more interesting way. I really like the crazy netted headpiece/top, it's very cool. She looks like an intergalactic princess! :D:D

Dei: J'dore this. I really do. But I don't know if I like the dome or not.

-lovely2009-, To_Royal, Welsh_witch, Luxury_Magazine
Linda: Now these girls know how to dress. -Lovely2009- lovely outfit! I've seen the whole disco ball thing before, but I like this outfit. To_Royal yawn... your outfits are always amazing, try doing a bad outfit! Dei's outfit is my favorite! Very detailed, great job... as usual! Welsh_witch, great outfit, I could have done without the thing over your shoulder but overall nice outfit! Another best dressed alumni Luxury_magazine, I actually really love the shape of this dress! Simple yet chic, I love it!

Dei: Lovely's(pixels) are SEXY, and flashy, I am so jealous of her right now. But my favorite here is Luxury's! I love classic looking outfits, and hers in my head screams art deco in b&w. Hmm, Rhiann(welsh_witch), I am not into the towels :( But the curtain helps this a lot.

Perez: It looks like a unanimous vote because I love -lovely2009-'s oufit too! The way that the gems are sized gives it nice dimension, and the little details like the gift banner as the ruffled neckline and the crystal chandelier beading at the bottom really give it a realistic look. Dei always looks good, and this is no exception! As awesome as the dress is, I think I'm most obsessed with the hair, gorgeous (and so is her make-up)! Okay so the dress, the silver horse tails look like silk and the shape of the dress is lovely. I love the jeweled bodice, the neckline and necklace, I love it all, but (I think this is the first time I've ever given Dei a "but"!) the chandelier. It looks like it's just lodged in her crotch, both painful and unflattering. She needed to layer in more tails for the skirt for sure. Rhiann gives me a Scottish kilt vibe, not in a bad way! I think it's just the sash down the front, but I really do like it a lot it's shaped really well and accessorized beautifully! Luxury said she had a tough time putting this together, I really couldn't tell because she looks amazing! Dei nailed it when she called it art deco, it's completely inspired!

punkyfish2007, biancaloves, mskendall4198, vitalstatistick
Linda: Who is the bride? You all look like you guys are marrying one of the few 'straight' guys/trannies here on stardoll. Remember if they say they're straight, there is 99.9% chance they're not. Punkyfish2007, love the look very clean and love the minimum accessories. Biancaloves, I love this look too, as the last one clean. Mskendall4198, strange finish of the dress, I don't like it. Vitalstatistick thank god you did another outfit. That first one hurt me eyes! This one is more presentable.

Dei: I agree with Linda, other than mskendall's, you all do look like you are about to get married, lol. But you all look good. But mskendall, how many damn glowsticks do you own?!!

Perez: I love love love punkyfish2007's and vitalstatistick's!! Punky's egg sweetheart neckline and modern train are so fresh and young for a wedding dress, and vital's jeweled bodice is to die, love it (but again with that awful hair and the little black bow, why??) I see what Bianca was trying to achieve with the white peacocks along the neckline and it looks cool, but it's sloppy. The way the skirt is layered is really pretty though. mskendall's I just don't like at all. The only part of it that's DIY decor is the skirt, and it's awful. Just a big ol' mess.

danceontheclock, audreyxbeth, cherrox247, mysecketlover

Linda: These looks are starting to get boring... Danceontheclock, not bad, just blahhhh. Nothing standing out. Audreyxbeth same to you, it's a very safe look. Cherrox247 what are you a farm, zoo? Oh my, I know what you are. Aren't you one of those animal hoarders? I've seen people like you on TV. Emmie, cute... but boring.

Dei: Cherrox, MURDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! But Audrey, what the hell is up with your medoll's left foot? And the heel of the right one looks broken. O.o

Perez: danceontheclock and myseckretlover, nice efforts but completely boring. Though I do like myseckretlover's simple styling with the hair, bracelet, and shoes, all and all it's a good look. Audrey gave this spiel in the comments about how an outfit isn't truly decor couture if you don't DIY your shoes and accessories, so that's why her shoes look wonky. It looks like they're the same bubbles and bow of the dress's bodice, but I have no idea how she did the heel. The purse looks like curtains meant resemble fringe on a box or something. Whatever it is, I don't like it. The dress itself is nice though, I really like the bubbles and the lamp shell skirt. Okay I know it's ridiculous, but I can't help but like cherrox247's dress! It's shaped surprisingly well for being a bunch of pets, and I mean come on she made an animal print dress! Literally!! How can you not love that?! Lol!

Earth Tones
ashy_loves_you ~ lilsha123 ~ Syligirl
Linda: Ashy_loves_you, I'm not crazy about the hair, I do like the grass skirt the top is pretty much, blahh. Lilsha123 had you not worn those shoe I wouldn't have like it! Love how you paired that dress with the shoes, the dress itself is, not bad. Syligirl, I like the outfit! Great shape! The shoes are nice, love the cross on the neck. Great outfit!

Dei: Ashy, there is WAY too much going on, I don't know whether to focus on the crazy hair, the glowing top, or the freshly mowed from the front lawn grass. Lilsha's is really cute and flower child, if she had a more flowing hairstyle, I would love it. Syligirl's structure is nice.

Perez: I actually like Ashton's hair, I like the windblown effect! And I like his top a lot too, I think it's chic and edgy. If he had done a basic black pencil skirt instead of that ridiculous bush he'd have been one of my favorites. lilsha's, like cherrox's animal print, is another one I can't resist: a literal sundress! That kind of thing just wins me over! :D:D That aside, I'd think it was a cute dress regardless, though the skirt could have been done a little sharper. Totally agreed on the shoes with it, love them! But Syligirl really takes the cake, I absolutely LOVE that dress, it's stunning! Such a great shape, love the snakeskin tile, and her overall look is hot. The hair, makeup, cross tattoo, shoes, all of it is awesome.

punkyfish2007 ~ vitalstatistick (both) ~ kieshagiesha
Linda: Punkyfish2007, I like the other look more but this one is ok. There just some many thing combined. Wow Vitalstatistick home many looks have you done! The first one looks like you ran into a tree, the second look isn't really diy. Kiesha hmm, I don't really like it, at all.

Dei: Punky, I don't know whether or not I like this dress, the multiple brown shades kinda clash, but the even fit of it all makes it look neat. While I know I hate this look from Kiesha, peacock feather outfits are over used and this one is a failed attempt at it, sorry. While vital's flashy dress (the X-mas tree) is giving me a migraine, and I am being serious too.. :<

But to end this list, everyone did amazing efforts! Though I may have said a lot of peoples look odd or strange, I really do love everyone's attempts, it shows how much you like to dress for Radio Perez, and I love it :)

Perez: Of this group my favorite is punky's, I think without the bow and with different shoes it would have been very chic. I especially love the butterfly wings at the neckline! With both of vital's gowns, while I appreciate the creativity and the cool idea of incorporating unique pieces like the chimney as a top, the overall looks achieved just aren't aesthetically pleasing =/ The forest dress could have been great with different styling (Have I mentioned I hate the hair and the bow? Cuz I hate them. A lot.), I feel like you should have gone full on Mother Nature with it and then it would have been a gorgeous costume look. kiesha's peacock dress is nice, it doesn't really stand out at all but I don't dislike it.

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