Ladybird are a brand new all girl group who are destined for big things. Made up of Marianne, Sarah, Johanna, Eleonora and Jenny, the band formed in 2010, within a few months they auditioned on the X Factor and made it through to the final day of bootcamp, which is quite some feat. But despite this early setback, the band have continued to move forward and are currently recording material. Lights Go Out decided to have a catch up with the girls before they get too popular to have time to chat with us…..Hey, welcome to Lights Go Out – So who are Ladybird?
Ladybird are Johanna from Manchester, Jenny from Surrey, Marianne from London, Sarah from Reading and Eleonora from Cyprus.
We were all friends beforehand and it came the time where none of us were involved in anything else music wise. We felt there was a gap in the market for a new group so decided to join forced and see what happened.
What were the first songs you all worked on as a group?
We all have very different voices and we wanted to showcase that to its fullest, so we all knew that whatever songs we choise we would always create a strong 5 part harmony sound. Parachute (Cheryl Cole) was one of the first songs we worked on and we loved it straight away.
Why did you decide to apply on X Factor and how was the whole experience for you?
We were rehearsing at the time, trying out different arrangements when the advert for the X Factor came on the TV. We thought it would be a great opportunity for us and something to work towards. It was an amazing experience. We also made some great friends!
You narrowly missed out on the whole boot camp thing, how did you feel at the time?
We had only been together as a band for a couple of months when we had our first X Factor audition and to get through to the final day of bootcamp was a fantastic achievement. We knew we had done our best and it definitely made us stronger and more determined to go away and work even harder to achieve something after the show.
Would you go back on the X Factor again?
Never say never… but I think we got the best out of our year at X Factor that we could. We got to the end of bootcamp and down to the last 5 girl bands out of 200,000 people so we’re very proud of what we achieved as a group. Onwards and upwards!
Would you recommend this route for people wanting to break into the pop music industry?
X Factor is a really great platform, there’s no two ways about it…. BUT it’s not the be all and end all. It’s just one route and as long as you work hard you’ve got a good shot at getting it any way you wish.
You’re based in London, yet you seem to come from different places, how did you all end up in London?
We were all either working or studying in London at the time we all decided to get together and form Ladybird. A few of us had done gigs together and others had been in projects together and decided to start rehearsing to see what happened and here we are a year later.
Well you’ll soon be hearing more of what we’ve been working hard on all these months on but it is going to be quite different to the ‘normal’ girl band sound. It’s still going to be pop….we all love pop but we want it to have an edge, be quirky and there are lots of different influences in there too. We can’t wait for you to hear more from us!
Which artists have been an inspiration both on your music and as individuals?
Jenny: Michael Jackson was a massive influence on me growing up, along with The Beatles, The Eagles, Buddy Holly, Celine Dion etc but nowadays I love the GaGa, Jessie J, McFly, Hanson, John Mayer, Jason Mraz…the list is never ending.
Sarah: Elton John, Celine Dion and Beyonce have inspired me musically.
Johanna: Britney Spears is my all time favourite pop star but Pink and Lady Gaga are very inspirational to me.
Eleonora: We are currently in the studio experimenting with different sounds and can’t wait for everyone to hear our new stuff.
Marianne: I definitely think Jessie J, Alicia Keys and Usher have had an influence on me and also the band.
If you could duet with any artist, who would it be?
Jenny: I’d love to duet with Jessie J or John Mayer – that would be awesome.
Sarah: Enrique Iglesias.
Johanna: Lady Gaga or Rihanna.
Marianne: Jessie J for sure!
Eleonora : Plan B and Mark Ronson would be great to work with. We are actually working on a collaboration at the moment but we can’t say anything just yet….watch this space!
Do you have any releases due to come out soon at all?
We’re very much concentrating on the music right now and having lots of exciting meetings about the future…so all will be revealed soon.
In recent years a few girl bands have gone on hiatus, like Girls Aloud, do you feel there is a gap for Ladybird to take their crown?
Definitely! We feel like the UK and indeed the rest of the world need a new girl band. Girl Power 21st century style! We want to push boundaries and not play it safe like some bands do nowadays…plus a little bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone. We just want to get out there and have fun! Girls are really making it big in the music industry at the moment so there’s definitely room for 5 more!
2011 seems to have started with an influx of girl vocal groups like yourself. The Ultra Girls, Parade and Wonderland spring to mind. What have you got that these other groups don’t have?
We like to think we’ve got more of an edge. Unlike some of those girl groups we’re self made and are first and foremost friends. We all love music and are all on the same page in wanting to create something different. We’re proud to be considered a vocal harmony group but we want to be one with a difference. We don’t want to conform and just do something for the sake of doing it.
What do you think of current bands like The Saturdays?
We really like the Saturday’s, they’re great girls! They work with great writers and producers and have a great team behind them. They are pop at its best. We love to have a boogie to their tunes!
In past years there has been girl bands that have come and gone pretty quickly like Girls@Play and Girl Thing. How do you plan not to fall into the one or two single trap and achieve a longer career like bands like Girls Aloud?
We think to achieve longevity in this industry you have to do it for the love of music and not give up when the going gets tough. It’s a shame that you never got to know what those bands could have achieved had they been given the chance. It’s all about the music so if you believe in the project, have believability when you perform and are relatable to fans then you’re on to a winner. Obviously in addition to this you need a great team behind you and be massively hard working. The music industry is the toughest it’s ever been so you need to know how to play the game and be accessible to the people that are, at the end of the day, able to make you or break you. If you’re good to your fans, they’ll be good to you.
How would you describe the style of Ladybird?
In fashion terms we want to have fun, be young, fresh and once again edgy! We’re five girls who LOVE our clothes, hair, make-up… the usual. We’re also five girls with very different styles so we have to sit down and decide what goes with what and who should wear what. We love to dress up on a night out and put on our party clothes but at the same time we love to be comfy. We’ve really thought about our image so that the fans feel like there are certain elements that they can take from each of us that they like.
How do you react to being asked to sign autographs?
It’s such a lovely feeling to be asked and we love meeting those who enjoy our music!
Do you have record contract right now?
Not at this moment but we are currently working very hard to create our new sound and hopefully that will be the next step.
Are there any plans in place to tour at all?
This summer we’re hoping to play lots of gigs which we’re really excited about so watch this space.
How would you describe a Ladybird live performance?
Loud, fun and feisty – come and find out.
Hopefully lots of exciting things, with lots of gigs across the country and getting our music out there for people to hear. 2011 is the year of the LADYBIRD!!
What did you all want to be when you were younger?
Jenny: A vet
Sarah: A stunt woman
Johanna: Mariah Carey….. LOL
Marianne: I always wanted to perform as a singer or dancer.
Eleonora: A doctor
Which of the band is the most likely to:
Sleep in? Eleonora
Get a dance routine wrong? Eleonora – but she;s also most likely to get the vocal right J
Get the most drunk? Marianne
Cause a drama? Sarah
Flirt with the opposite sex? Eleonora
Who are your celebrity crushes?
Johanna: Dougie from McFly and Travie Mc’Coy. I love guys with tattoos J
Jenny: Harry from McFly, Jake Gyllengaal, John Mayer.
Eleonora: Kim Kardashian
Marianne: Jonny Depp, Jude Law.
Sarah: Robert Pattinson
What music do you all listen too?
Johanna: At the moment I’m loving Britney Spears “Femme Fatale” album. It’s constantly on repeat. And I’ve just bought the new Lady Gage album which is amazing…”Judas” is an epic tuneJ
Sarah: I love old skool garage, chilled Ibiza tunes, reggae and dance music.
Eleonora: Jazz/Funk, classic rock and also RnB.
Marianne: I love RnB.
Jenny: I love pop so anything in the charts really. But, I also love going on YouTube and finding really obscure singers and up and coming artists.
And what was the first live show you went to?
Johanna: Kylie Minogue – I always remember wanting dress up in sequinned hotpants and curl my hair just like she did in the “I Should Be So Lucky” video.
Sarah: Phil Collins.
Eleonora: McFly.
Marianne: Peter Andre.
Jenny: Spice Girs.
Can any of you play instruments as well as sing?
Jenny plays the harp and flute and is currently teaching herself to play the piano and the guitar. Sarah plays the keyboard and Eleonora plays a little piano and guitar.
What are your dreams for Ladybird?
World domination!!!
I’m off to the bar, what can I get you to drink?
Johanna: Vodka, lime & lemonade please J
Sarah: Vodka and cranberry.
Eleonora: Ooooo a cosmo please J
Marianne: A Pina colada.
Jenny: Malibu & pineapple or a blue WKD (lol)
Johanna: It’s so difficult to choose one fave food because I eat anything ha ha! But my top choices would have to be Chinese or Italian.
Sarah: Italian
Eleonora: Mediterranean (Greek/Turksih)
Marianne: I’m Greek so love Greek cuisine.
Jenny: Indian.
If you could choose between cake or chocolate, which would you go for? Just so you know, I will not accept chocolate cake as an answer….
Johanna: Definitely chocolate…I’m the world’s biggest chocoholic!!
Sarah: I love traditional sponge cake.
Eleonora: Cake
Marianne: Cake, definitely… my fave is banoffee pie!
Jenny: Damn! I would have said chocolate cake…erm, I’d have to say chocolate then J
What would you say to people out there reading this wanting to get into a pop music career?
It sounds cheesy but never give up. So much is dependent on luck so just get out there, work hard and you never know what you could achieve or who could see you!
And finally…..what words would you be able to leave us with?
Johanna: Bird is the word!
Sarah: Watch this space…
Eleonora: Noodles toodles….
Marianne: Ciao for now…
Jenny: Boobie!
Oh and can I have some tickets to come see you perform please?
Of course…you should come to our next gig which is Thursday 9th June at Cargo, Hoxton. We are on stage at 9pm!! Come and see what we are about!! J
Maybe we’ll do just that….
But for now you can check out Ladybird over on their website which is here:
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