(This banner was made by Chloe, toxxic.angel,before the facelift, nose job, lip injections, and eye brow lift)
Unlike Charlie Sheen and his 'winning' ways, Stardoll's has had many fails. From project being dropped, to blogs being shut down we've seen it all. I myself am no stranger to these fails, I've had a few back in my days.
For one I start a project with the two biggest egotistical maniacs here on Stardoll Miss_LolitaF, and Tylerisbold called Stardoll's Fashion Police. I ended up doing all the work and just decided this project will go no where. When both your partners heads are so big, and the other has their head up their arse nothing will getting done.
Fortunately that was Mary's only fail of the year. Stardoll's Fashion Week was a success, Fashion Group a success, maybe not Eternity but come on! Not even a magazine title 'Eternity' last forever!
Oh, and here is a fail made the other day!
Not only is this outfit a fail (As Jack would say, "I Lol'd"), but do we even need to mention his projects? By the way Tyler's Top Models... who, what, come again?
Sorry my first post couldn't be a good, juicy, interest gossip story, but have you seen Stardoll lately? One word, Boredomville!
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