Monday, October 31, 2011
- Estas noticias debieran hacer sonrojarnos a muchos "españoles" y pensar en la educación que están recibiendo los chavales de hoy en día, quizás debiéramos aprender muchas cosas de los "portugueses" en este sentido. Aquí no somos precisamente devotos de Mourinho en lo relacionado con su trayectoria extradeportiva, pero ningún niño debe escuchar algo semejante y si esto sucede es por que algo está fallando de manera grave. Tampoco descubrimos nada nuevo.El chaval, de 11 años, cayó desconsolado al oír unos gritos intolerables en el vestuario rival: “Ese portugués...” José Mario tiene 11 años y juega de portero en el Club Deportivo Canillas, de categoría alevín, un modesto club del norte de Madrid. El chaval es el hijo de José Mourinho, técnico del Madrid, y el pasado sábado vivió un episodio intolerable que le dejó llorando. Ocurrió en el partido de alevines (11 y 12 años) entre Rayo Majadahonda y el Canillas (0-3). Ambos equipos estaban cambiándose en la caseta cuando del vestuario del Rayo Majadahondasalieron unos gritos inadmisibles: “Ese portugués, qué hijo de... es”, un improperio que el entrenador del Madrid está acostumbrado a escuchar. El hijo de Mourinho reconoció al momento los insultos, según cuenta a LA GACETA Rafael Cano, director adjunto a la presidencia del Canillas, se dio por aludido y comenzó a llorar delante de todos sus compañeros. “Tuvimos que ir a consolarle, a decirle que no se preocupara, que no era para él, a intentar desviar la atención”, admite Cano. “Que se lo digan al padre en el Real Madrid no está bien, pero que se lo digan al hijo, no hay derecho”, se queja. Al final del duelo, jugadores de uno y otro equipo también se enzarzaron en una leve tangana y de camino al vestuario también hubo algún grito. LA GACETA.
El delantero italiano Antonio Cassano, que permanece ingresado en el Hospital Policlínico de Milán a causa de los problemas de salud que acusó en la noche del pasado sábado, ha sufrido un ictus isquémico, según un primer diagnóstico del que informa la agencia de noticias ANSA.

Antonio Cassano. | Ap
Este primer diagnóstico, sobre el que no ha querido hacer comentarios el equipo del jugador, el Milan, coincide con la opinión que varios expertos habían dado en las últimas horas ante los síntomas que el futbolista había acusado a su llegada a la capital lombarda en la noche del sábado tras jugar los últimos 15 minutos contra la Roma.
Un accidente cerebrovascular como el que ha sufrido Cassano es la pérdida de las funciones cerebrales debido a la interrupción del flujo sanguíneo al cerebro. Puede ser de dos tipos: hemorrágicos (cuando se rompe uno de los vasos) o isquémico, que se producen cuando los vasos sanguíneos se obstruyen. La causa es que se acumula grasa en los muros del vaso y acaban por obstruirlo.
El Milan, por su parte, se ha reservado el derecho a no comentar "diagnósticos o comentarios provenientes de fuentes que no son el propio club o del Policlínico de la capital lombarda, a la espera de ulteriores pruebas y exámenes médicos que determinarán su diagnóstico definitivo", según explicaron fuentes del club.
El técnico Massimiliano Allegri dijo que "será importante jugar bien para él" el martes, cuando el equipo visite al BATE Borisov por la Liga de Campeones. "Más que para el jugador, es importante por el aspecto personal del incidente. Antonio estaba haciendo las cosas muy bien y estaba en buena forma. Espero tenerlo de vuelta tan pronto como sea posible", dijo el entrenador.
Tras concluir el partido ante el Roma, en el que su equipo ganó por 3-2, y llegar a Milán, el ex delantero del Real Madrid empezó a tener dificultades para hablar y moverse, por lo que fue llevado a urgencias y posteriormente trasladado al departamento de neurología del hospital milanés.
En ese Hospital Policlínico de Milán, adonde acudieron tanto la madre como la mujer del futbolista, Cassano, de 29 años, permanecerá ingresado al menos hasta el jueves para que se le realicen nuevas pruebas médicas. Este mismo lunes el vicepresidente del Milán, Adriano Galliani, aseguró haber contactado con Cassano, a quien encontró "de buen humor" y "sereno".
"He hablado con Cassano hace cinco minutos y antes ya nos habíamos escrito varios mensajes. Estoy seguro de que se recuperará, ahora ya se encuentra mejor. Todo el equipo está con él. Esperemos que vaya todo bien. Me ha parecido que estaba de buen humor y sereno", dijo el directivo del club 'rossonero'. EL MUNDO (31/10/2011 20:03 horas)
Rochelle Wiseman dons a bloodied dress for her Halloween outing
Been through the wars Rochelle? Miss Wiseman dons a bloodied dress for her Halloween outing
By Holly Thomas
Last updated at 6:24 PM on 31st October 2011
She had left band mate Vanessa White's birthday party looking a little worse for wear the previous night.
But Rochelle Wiseman's sleepy eyes on Saturday were nothing compared to her ravaged appearance the following evening.
In fairness however, the effect was intentional, as the Saturdays star had dolled herself up in deliberately gory fashion for the Dolce Parties Halloween bash.

Been through the wars? Rochelle Wiseman rocked a 'bloodied' gingham dress for the Dolce parties Halloween event at the No5 Cavendish club last night
The 22-year-old arrived at Soho's No5 Cavendish club in a gingham dress spattered with fake blood, carrying a large teddy bear who also looked like it had been in the wars.
She complemented her dress with a sexy pair of knee-length white socks, which she teamed with high black heels.
To complete her child-like look, Rochelle made her cheeks rosy with circles of scarlet face paint, and curled her hair into long ringlets.

Quick recovery? Rochelle had looked tired when she left her Saturdays bandmate Vanessa White's birthday party the previous night

Last minute: Rochelle had originally planned to dress up as a murdered chef, but worried that the idea wasn't sexy enough
According to her Twitter page, the star had originally intend to dress up as a murdered chef', until her plans went awry.
'I bought my Halloween outfit today for a lil party with my girlies, but they are all dressed pretty hot and I'm gonna be covered in blood...' she wrote.

Finishing touch: Rochelle carried a teddy bear to complete her childlike look
'I'm going as 'hells kitchen' the murdered chef! Shock my outfit had something to do with food lol'
There were definitely a few doubts surfacing as the party drew closer however, as Rochelle later added: 'I bet everyone will be dressed up as playboy bunnies or hot devils and I'm a 'bloody chef' quite literally! Oh dear'
And it seems her dress rehearsal proved the final straw, as her final word on the idea was: 'Oh so the cook idea is no more it looked AWFUL!!!!!!'

Making an impression: Jessica Wright dressed up as a sexy cheerleader for the Dolce party- though her bloodied neck was a festive touch
Rochelle was probably relieved that she'd changed her outfit when she saw what a few other guests were wearing.
George Lineker's date for the evening was dressed in a saucy red silk ensemble, showcasing her long legs.
And TOWIE star Jessica Wright wore a pink cheerleader outfit, showing off her assets with a plunging neckline- making her appropriately bloodied neck all the more visible.

Bit sore? Jessica had a realistic-looking gash on her arm

Back from the grave? Mark Wright was a convincing zombie
Never one to miss a party, Jessica's brother Mark turned up as an ashen-faced zombie, with tawny gold highlights in his usually dark hair.
It'll be straight back to work for Rochelle today however, as the Saturdays start rehearsals for their upcoming All Fired Up tour which starts on December 2 in Bournemouth.
They are also getting prepared to release their third album, On Your Radar at the end of November.

Who's your friend? George Lineker's date wore a sexy red silk number
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NDLEA: We’ll Produce Baba Suwe Tomorrow
The 19-day long real life drama starring Nollywood comic actor, Baba Suwe, assumed a new dimension this morning with the revelation that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, has never held any drug suspect in its custody for 19 days since it was set up about two decades ago.
The disclosure by Mitchell Ofoyeju, NDLEA Head of Public Affairs, was made this morning as he assured that the comic actor will be produced at the Ikeja High Court tomorrow as ordered by a judge last week.
“We are a law abiding agency and we can’t go against the decision of the court. We will produce him tomorrow as ordered by the court,” Ofoyeju said.
Asked if NDLEA has ever held a suspect this long, Ofoyeju said: “no, we have not held a suspect this long. But our international partners tell us that they have had a case of a 19-day detention before the drug was excreted. It depends on body constitution.”
When P.M.NEWS inquired about the international partners he was referring to, Ofoyeju said, “I have to confirm.”
An Ikeja High Court last Wednesday ordered NDLEA to produce physically in court the popular actor.
Justice Yetunde Idowu granted this order, following an application by Omidina’s lawyer, Mr. Bamidele Aturu, who urged the court to mandate the agency to produce the popular actor on 1 November.
Babatunde Omidina, Baba Suwe’s real name, was arrested in the night of Wednesday 12 October at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, southwest Nigeria, as he was about boarding an Air France flight to Paris, France.
He was detained after strange particles packed like hard drugs were detected in his stomach by the United States-donated scanning machine known as Soter RS.
The actor denied the allegations and threatened to sue NDLEA.
The NDLEA maintained that it will be vindicated when the actor’s wastes are analysed.
For two days, millions held their breath, expecting the first exhibit from the comedian’s wastes. Such wastes are usually tested by the NDLEA to exonerate or incriminate detained drug suspects after analysis.
But when the waste finally arrived in the night of 14 October, it bore no hint of drug ingestion. Public interest rose. Another round of waste yielded nothing. The third excretion was thus eagerly awaited, especially after Femi Ajayi, NDLEA Director-General, said in a television interview that suspects are usually released after a third excretion tests negative to drug ingestion.
On Monday night, the comedian produced the third waste sample, which also yielded nothing incriminating. Then began strident public clamour for his release. On the web, the NDLEA was slammed by angry Nigerians.
The next day, NDLEA’s Head of Public Affairs, Mr. Mitchell Ofoyeju, left many Nigerians confused, when he announced that the comedian still had to remain in detention.
“I can confirm that Baba Suwe is still under observation. He excreted for the third time last night and no drug was found. But he remains under observation.
“It will not end at the third excretion because it depends on body composition. For some people, it takes more time, more excretions. It really depends on the body of each individual,” Ofoyeju said. The Lagos airport Commander of the NDLEA, Mr. Hamza Umar, disclosed that in previous arrests, some suspects expelled the drug at the fourth excretion.
As days passed, the arrest looked more like a comedy of gargantuan errors, with many suggesting that the agency was in a quandary. Many called on the actor to sue the NDLEA. But Ajayi claimed the agency was only doing its job.
—Simon Ateba
PM News
Se añadieron algunas fotos mas a la galería del Barbadás-Val Miñor infantil.
Click aquí para acceder.
Melanie Sykes ~ Presenter 41 peels off for first naked shoot
By 'eck, Melanie Sykes! Presenter, 41, declares 'I'm in the best shape of my life' as she peels off for first naked shoot
By Emily Sheridan
Last updated at 3:40 PM on 31st October 2011
During her 20 year modelling career, Melanie Sykes refused to pose nude.
Although a regular feature in lads' mags in the late Nineties, the TV presenter never went the whole hog and stripped off completely.
But feeling more confident with her body than ever before, Sykes decided to peel off for her first naked photoshoot in men's magazine Esquire at the age of 41.

Baring all: Melanie Sykes reclines on a velvet sofa for her first naked photoshoot for Esquire magazine
Throughout her career, Sykes was frequently approached to do naked shoots, but always refused.
But at the age of 41, the former Big Breakfast star said she feels in the best shape of her life.

The full interview with Sykes is in the December issue of Esquire magazine, on sale November 2
An avid gym user, Sykes has taken an even greater interest in working out after she starting dating personal trainer Craig Eleftheriou, 28, earlier this year.
She tells the December issue of Esquire: 'I've constantly been asked to be naked in magazines. But right now I'm in the best shape of my life. I look better than I've ever looked. So you think, "Why the hell not?".
When asked how she maintains her fabulous figure, she admits: 'You've got to watch the booze. But you can't let exercise rule your life. I do like me pork scratchings.'
Sykes started dating Eleftheriou in April after meeting at their local gym.
When asked about their 13-year age gap, she replied: 'I always go for younger men. What's wrong with having a type?
'He reaps all the benefits from my fitness, that's for sure.'
Her new romance comes three years after she split from actor husband Daniel Caltagirone, father of her sons Roman, nine, and Valentino, seven.
The pair separated in 2008 after seven years of marriage and divorced the following year.
n divorce papers released to the public after the divorce hearing in 2009, Sykes claimed she had been left 'distressed' by her husband's failure to understand their financial troubles.
She also cited her husband's 'unreasonable behaviour' as the reason for the break-up.
• The full interview with Sykes is in the December issue of Esquire magazine, on sale November 2.

Pin-up: Sykes in a Boddingtons beer commercial in the late 90s (left) and with her ex-husband Daniel Caltagirone before their split
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Falana Protests Planned Repatriation of Nigerian Prisoners from UK

Human rights lawyer, Mr. Femi Falana
By Omololu Ogunmade and Christopher Isiguzo
Human rights lawyer, Mr. Femi Falana, has criticised the recent agreement between Nigerian and British governments to repatriate over 1,000 Nigerian citizens serving different jail terms in British prisons to Nigeria to complete their jail terms in the country.
This came as a human rights organisation, Centre For Victims of Extra–Judicial Killing and Torture (CVEKT Africa), yesterday raised the alarm that over 120 Nigerians that were currently serving jail terms in Czech Republic were being subjected to unjust, inhuman and discriminatory conditions. The group asked President Goodluck Jonathan to promptly intervene in their plights.
Falana, in a letter addressed to the Senate President and copied to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, entitled: “Illegal Plan by Britain to Repatriate Nigerian Prisoners in the United Kingdom,” said the Federal Government sealed an agreement with the UK government under the auspices of Prisoner Exchange Agreement without considering the legal implication.
While citing the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as well as African Charter on Human Rights to affirm the perceived illegality inherent in the agreement, Falana tasked the National Assembly to halt the move now.
The lawyer, who believes that the Federal Government was not well advised on the matter, threatened that should it go ahead with the “illegality and unconstitutional act,” it should be adequately prepared to face potent legal actions against the move. He implored the National Assembly not to back the agreement by any legislative act.
The letter read in part: “As part of the measures to decongest its overcrowded prisons, the British government recently approached the Federal Government for a deal to repatriate the over 1,000 Nigerian citizens in British prisons to serve out their sentences in Nigerian prisons. Without considering the legal implications of the deal and the interests of the Nigerian citizens involved, the Federal Government is reported to have reached an understanding with the British Government on the so-called Prisoner Exchange Agreement.”
While citing Article Six of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights Act which states that “no one may be deprived of his freedom except for reasons and conditions previously laid down by law,” and Section 3 (3) of the Prisons Act which stipulates that “every superintendent is authorised and required to keep and detain all persons duly committed to his custody by any court, magistrate, justice of the peace or other authority lawfully.”
He also recalled that Section 253 of the Criminal Procedure Act provides that “a warrant under the hand of the judge or magistrate by whom any person shall have been sentenced or committed to prison for non-payment of a penalty or fine shall be full authority to the superintendent of any prison and to all other persons for carrying into effect the sentence described in such warrant not being a sentence of death.”
Falana said he had opted to cite the multiple provisions above to buttress his position that the Federal Government “lacks the power to reduce Nigeria to a dumping ground for foreign convicts from the United Kingdom or from any other foreign country”.
He also reasoned that authorities of Nigerian prisons neither have the powers to admit nor the authority to keep persons who have not been committed to their custody by Nigerian courts or judges, emphasising that any Nigerian citizen tried, convicted and sentenced to prison terms by foreign courts cannot by any means be admitted and kept in Nigerian prisons.
Meanwhile, the Executive Director, CVEKT Africa, Rev. Father Tony Amarube, told journalists in Enugu that the organisation received a representation from the Truth and Justice Organisation Nigeria early this year on the case of some six Nigerians currently languishing in Czech prison.
He noted that the organisation decided to intervene in the matter because it engages in the promotion of humanitarian and human rights cases as well as intervention and advocacy actions and programmes on behalf of victims of extra judicial killings and torture as well as other forms of human rights abuses.
According to Amarube, after receiving the representation from Truth and Justice Organisation Nigeria, CVEKT, immediately sent a written representation and appeal to Jonathan, seeking an immediate and decisive intervention by the Nigerian government in view of the emergency nature of the matter which “we perceived not only as a human rights contravention on part of the Czech Republic but as an affront to the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.
He disclosed that the gruesome condition of these Nigerians was first highlighted by an international law advocate, Daniel Uchenna of Dou consulting LB Limited, a London-based law firm and charity organisation, which he said had in January 2010, made a frantic representation to the Nigerian Ambassador in Czech Republic, the then Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as the National Assembly for their intervention but to no avail.
The CVEKT boss noted how the Duo Consulting LB Limited had lamented how the Czech government through its judiciary had been violating fundamental principles of human rights, fair trial and judgment in respect of Nigerian suspects in their country based on information received from Nigerians incarcerated in that nation for various criminal charges some of whom contacted the Duo organisation for intervention. “It was revealed that Nigerian suspects were given discriminatory jail sentences by the Czech authorities, and mentioned specific instances in which Nigerian suspects were unfairly heard and sentenced to jail terms based on frivolous and speculative accusations without any substantial or direct evidence to justify the sentences,” adding that such action amounts to racism and ethnic profiling which violates the principle of equal treatment under international law.
Further, he said: “Among these instances is the case of Chijioke S. Okonkwo, a Nigerian, and Eva Jasinka, a Czech: file ref No: 47T 16|2008 in which the said Chijioke Okonkwo, was sentenced to 12 years jail term whereas his Czech counter, Jasinka Eva, was given four years and discharged after only 13 months of jail term because she was a citizen of that country, while the Nigerian is still languishing in prison since 2008.
“Another case is that of Sunday Tony Ojukwu and Raphael Ifedili Ejiama, both Nigerians and Denisa Bradacova, a Czech: file ref No: T25| 2008 whereas Ojukwu and Ifedili, were sentenced to 10 years each, Bradacova was discharged from the custody after only one year.”
He said Duo Consulting had suggested that because the European Union (EU) supports the Czech Republic with grants for non-citizens, serving jail terms in Czech, jailing foreigners, especially Nigerians at the filmiest cause had become a matter of course.
While calling on Jonathan to immediately intervene in the matter, the Catholic priest, described the Czech Republic’s action as a form of race discrimination that is prohibited under international law which he said emphasised that prohibition against racial discrimination is a peremptory and non–derogable norm and that states must ensure that they do not discriminate in purpose or effect on grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origin.
U.D. BARBADÁS: House, María, Paci, Abi, Andrea (m.72 Laura), Cris, Helena, Alba, Vero (m. 46 Yanina), Masana (m. 46 Jani) e Noe.
Árbitro: Tubio Piñeiro Segundo
Non foi o de hoxe un partido vistoso do Barbadás en Portosín, xa que tanto o campo, pequeno e de terra, como o rival que sempre estivo moi metido no partido e con unha xogadora por liña de bastante calidade lle puxo en moita dificultade para gañar o partido. O partido non tivo demasiadas ocasións de gol por parte de ningún equipo. O Barbadás solo inquietou na primeira parte unha vez a porteira local cando Helena recibe sola ao borde do área e en vez de avanzar cara a portería decide tirar e para sin dificultade Noelia. O Portosín tampouco inquietou moito a House, ainda que a súa mellor xogadora Belén puxo en dificultades en moitos momentos do partido as centrais visitantes, xa que tiña moita velocidade e capacidade técnica. A segunda parte foi parecida á primeira, ainda que o Barbadás estivo mais tempo en campo contrario e Paci tivo unha moi bóa oportunidade a pase de Helena, ainda que tamén Belén tivo outra boa ocasión cando desbordou a Abi e se plantaba sola ante House, pero Jani moi rápida chegou para tapar o seu tiro. Polo visto ata o de agora non vai ser nada fácil para o Barbadás estar na parte alta da clasificación xa que calquera equipo ten capacidade para vencer. Foto de archivo
Eva Longoria Slams Rumor: I'm Not Dating Matt Barnes!

Eva Longoria slams rumours
Us Weekly
On Sunday, the New York Post's Page Six speculated that Longoria -- who divorced San Antonio Spurs' Tony Parker in late 2010 -- was getting romantic with L.A. Lakers Forward Matt Barnes.
The paper said that the Desperate Housewives actress, 36, seemed "very flirty" and had "a spark" with Barnes, 31, during a Thursday dinner in NYC with two pals.
Although the item included a statement from Longoria's rep that the pair was just "friends," Longoria didn't appreciate Page Six's speculation.
"First Jessica Simpson, now this," she wrote on her WhoSay page -- alluding to rampant chatter about Jessica Simpson's possible pregnancy. "Once again, press gets it wrong, Matt Barnes and I are not dating!"
She added: "We are doing a charity event together for Padres and Athletes vs Cancer."
Indeed, Longoria is currently dating Eduardo Cruz, a singer and the younger brother of Penelope Cruz.
The affectionate twosome first stepped out together on a yacht in Miami in February of this year.
Nicole Scherzinger looks glum as she celebrates Halloween with Louis Walsh after X Factor performance
Perk up! Nicole Scherzinger looks glum as she celebrates Halloween with Louis Walsh after X Factor performance
By Alanah Eriksen
Last updated at 1:43 PM on 31st October 2011
They often say the best way to get over a break up is make yourself as busy as possible so you don't think about your ex.
And that appears to be exactly what Nicole Scherzinger is doing.
After performing during the X Factor elimination show last night, the singer joined judge Louis Walsh, for a Halloween party in London.

Feeling okay? Nicole Scherzinger looked glum as she left a party at the C London restaurant last night following her X Factor performance
But she didn't look particularly spooky - just glum.
Nicole, who broke up with Formula 1 ace Lewis Hamilton this month, struggled to raise a smile outside the C London restaurant.

He's more in the mood! The 33-year-old was joined by X Factor judge Louis Walsh and the pair partied until 2am

This way: Nicole was led from her car into the venue by her minder
The 33-year-old arrived in a car and covered her face as her minder guided her towards the Mayfair venue.
When she emerged at 2am, she looked tired and drawn as she posed for the cameras.
Nicole showed off her slim legs in a pair of metallic leggings which she paired with a lacy top and long waistcoat with tassels.

Off home: Nicole didn't look much happier as she arrived at Heathrow this morning, ready to board her flight back to the U.S.

Superstar: The singer looked more casual in jeans but couldn't resist a pair of towering heels

He's got her back: Nicole was joined by the same trusty minder
But despite the late night, the star was up early again this morning to catch her flight back to the U.S.
She was only in London briefly for X Factor last night.
She sang through her heartbreak and pulled off a stunning performance of her new single Try With Me.
The low-key song followed last year's contestant Cher Lloyd's up-tempo With Your Love.

Casual approach: Nicole sang through her heartbreak on X Factor's elimination show last night in bare feet
Nicole wore an off-the shoulder black lace dress and no shoes.
Afterwards she told host Dermot O'Leary: 'I'm so happy to be back and I'm going to be back here in February for my tour so please come out and see me.'
And at Heathrow today, she dressed a bit more casual in jeans and a leopard-print vest but added towering heels to the ensemble.
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Thriller is favourite Jackson Song

Thriller has been voted the UK's favourite Michael Jackson song (AP)
Press Association
Thriller has been named the UK's favourite Michael Jackson song.
The track just pipped his chart-topping single Billie Jean in a poll to herald the release of new film Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon.
Thriller - which featured the voice of horror film legend Vincent Price - was noted for its groundbreaking video with a zombie dance spectacular.
Third place went to Man In The Mirror, while in fourth position was Earth Song - famously the track which prompted Jarvis Cocker to invade the stage at the Brit Awards in 1996 after he was struck by the pomposity of the performance.
The film, which is out on DVD and Blu-ray, has been made by Jackson's friend, the producer David Gest, and features interviews with the singer's family.
It will be given a premiere in London's Leicester Square on Wednesday.
Evil Son Strangles Mother
A 28-year old man, Segun Bakare has been charged to Ijeshatedo Magistrate’s court, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria for killing his mother, Mrs. Kudirat Bakare.
Segun was alleged to have used a rope and strangled Kudirat while she was asleep.
While Kudirat was struggling to save her life, Segun ensured that she died by using a broken bottle to stab her.
The incident happened at 3, Musa Street, Mushin, Lagos, in their family house.
The circumstance that led Segun to murder Kudirat was not clear yet. However, P.M.NEWS gathered that Segun had a quarrel with the late Kudirat after which he left their house.
Later, he returned while his mother was asleep and reportedly tied her neck with a rope and strangled her, broke a bottle and stabbed her all over her body.
She bled profusely and died before she could be taken to hospital. After that, Segun attempted to escape but he was held by their neighbours who handed him to the police.
The police later charged him to court.
Part of the charge reads: “That you, Segun Bakare did kill Mrs. Kudirat Bakare by stabbing her to death.”
The offence, according to the police, was contrary to section 319 of the criminal code cap 38, vol. 2 laws of Lagos state of Nigeria 2004.
When the matter came up at the court, the prosecutor, Inspector Ezekiel Ayorinde, informed the court that the nature of the crime was a capital offence and sought the permission of the court to seek the DPP’s advice.
Consequently, the presiding magistrate, Mrs. D. T. Olalokun ordered that he should be remanded at Kirikiri Maximum Prison, Apapa, Lagos pending when the DPP’s advice would be ready.
The matter was adjourned.
—Cyriacus Izuekwe
PM News
Roberto, guardameta del Barbadás y entrenador de porteros de la Escuela realiza un simpático vídeo en donde algunos de los mas pequeños explican las razones del por que eligen colocarse bajo los palos, con demostración incluida.
An unwell Kelly Rowland sends Sophie home after her two hopefuls went head-to-head
'Misha B wants this more': An unwell Kelly Rowland sends Sophie home after her two hopefuls went head-to-head
By Kirsty Mccormack
Last updated at 12:22 AM on 31st October 2011
She was described as being as 'dull as dishwater' last night and it seems that the public agreed as Sophie Habibis became the latest contestant to be voted off the X Factor tonight.
The 19-year-old former barmaid found herself up against Misha B, also 19, in the sing off but it was a no brainer as all of the judges chose to send Sophie home.
Even Kelly Rowland - who has remained in the U.S. due to being ill - was present to cast her vote.

Going home: Sophie Habibis managed to keep it together as she discovered she was the next contestant to be voted off of the X Factor tonight
Speaking over the telephone, the Destiny's Child singer certainly sounded as if she was suffering from a throat infection, but didn't let that cloud her vision.
'This is so hard because I know how bad you both want this,' she told the female hopefuls.
'But I know that one of you wants it more and I have to be completely honest. The act that I'm sending home is Sophie.'

Gutted: The 19-year-old vowed to continue 'working hard' despite no longer being in the competition
Kelly's vote confirmed Sophie's departure as both Louis Walsh and Tulisa Contostavlos chose the brunette to go before her, and when asked who he would have chosen, Gary Barlow simply answered: 'Sophie.'
At a time when they needed her most, Misha B and Sophie were left to battle it out on the stage - and they both put on a meaningful performance.
Singing Shelter, Sophie certainly gave it her all as she realised it could be her last performance of the competition.

Singing her heart out: Sophie gave it her best shot as she sang one last time but it just wasn't enough to get her votes

Strong contender: Misha B sang her own rendition of the Kings Of Leon hit Use Somebody
But following her was string singer Misha B who sang the Kings Of Leon hit, Use Somebody, in her own unique way.
The feisty hopeful got quite emotional towards the end of her performance and began crying as her and Sophie stood by host Dermot O'Leary to hear the verdict.
Viewers were probably expecting N-Dubz star Tulisa to choose Misha B to go home following their public confrontation where the singer accused the hopeful of being a bully.

Awaiting the results: The pair looked nervous as they stood in front of the panel and listened to Kelly Rowland on the phone

Finding it tough: Tulisa Contostavlos couldn't make up her mind on who to send home
But regardless of this and her 'connection' with Sophie, the 23-year-old reluctantly announced her decision.
And when Kelly confirmed the news, Misha B immediately hugged her rival as Kelly praised her.
'I just want to tell Sophie that she is remarkable and she has such an incredible voice,' she said.

Shell shocked: Sophie looked surprisingly calm as fellow contestant Misha B hugged her
'She just has to develop as an artist and I cant wait to see what the future holds for her.'
The Londoner look shell-shocked as the news still hadn't sunk in but thanked everyone for the opportunity and vowed to carry on.
'I'm going to continue working hard and prove why I shouldn't have left this competition tonight,' she said.
Earlier on in the night the remaining contestants looked extremely nervous as they awaited to hear the results of the public vote.
Kitty Brucknell was ecstatic as she realised she was the first act going through to next week's show, as were boy band The Risk who lifted their mentor, Tulisa, up in the air after hearing the announcement, and girl band, Little Mix.

We're through: Girl band Little Mix looked ecstatic to be through to the next round following their spooky performance on last night's show
Throughout the results Sophie looked worried as Kelly's contestants remained on stage with Frankie until the last minute.
Janet Devlin was the first one to breathe a sigh of relief as her name was read out, and when Frankie went through, it was Kelly's two girls who were left to endure the sing off.
But before the tense atmosphere of the showdown, the hopefuls treated the audience to a performance of Cee Lo Green's hit, Bright Lights Bigger City.

Worried: Bad boy Frankie Cocozza thought his luck had ran out when he was left standing on the stage with his mentor Gary Barlow right till the end
Marcus began the energetic performance and slowly the rest of the contestants sang their parts and were mainly dressed in black, leather and PVC.
Also performing on the live show was former X Factor star, Cher Lloyd, who performed her new single, With Your Love.

She's back: Former X Factor contestant Cher Lloyd took to the stage to sing her new single With Your Love
Wearing an odd multi-coloured outfit that looked like it would fit right in at the circus, the 18-year-old looked uneasy as she took to the stage with her female dancers.
Perhaps feeling nervous at being back on the X Factor stage for the first time since last year, the singer's performance started off shaky and afterwards Cher told Dermot: 'I cant remember the last time I had a good nights sleep but I've worked hard and I'm hoping it's paid off.'
Following in her footsteps and seeming a lot more confident was U.S. star Nicole Scherzinger who wowed the audience in a much more low-key performance.

Singing from experience: Nicole Scherzinger looked stunning in a black lace dress as she sung on tonight's show
The 33-year-old wore an off-the shoulder black lace corset dress, as she sang her heart out following her recent break-up from Lewis Hamilton.
After her performance she told Dermot: 'I'm so happy to be back and I'm going to be back here in February for my tour so please come out and see me.'

X Factor favourite: The 33-year old appeared as guest judge on the show last year and also has a permanent place on the U.S. panel
Surprisingly the only judge on the panel who predicted Sophie's sad fate tonight was Irishman, Louis.
After being asked by Dermot who he thought was dream and a nightmare, he refused to answer with just one name and said: 'Kitty and Marcus, but Sophie and Frankie were a nightmare.'
Guest judge, Alexandra Burke agreed saying that the big-haired bad boy 'just didn't do it for me' but stated that Misha B was a dream on the stage.
Also predicting tonight's shock turn was Gary who told Dermot that Kelly's absence had had an effect on the young girls.
'Kelly's acts had a tough week this week and it showed on that stage,' he said.
But outspoken judge Tulisa revealed that no one was a nightmare for her on last night's show but she admitted that she would like to see Craig Colton do 'something different.'
The Playing With Fire singer was obviously still in the Halloween spirit on tonight's show wearing an extremely long black and white dress that looked out of place compared to her usual style.
Whereas X Factor winner, Alexandra, showed off her legs in a black and green figure-hugging frock.
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