Fasten your seatbelts: BBC drama Pan Am recreates the days when flying was fun and glamorous - with some VERY racy plotlines
By Angella Johnson
Last updated at 12:10 AM on 25th September 2011
Pan Am, the most eagerly anticipated TV series of the autumn, starts on BBC2 next month. Set in the mid-Sixties, the glossy American-made show chronicles the lives and loves of a transatlantic airline crew.
It has been dubbed ‘The Mile-High Mad Men’ as its stylish retro sets and racy plotlines follow in the footsteps of the smash-hit series about the advertising business of that era.
As in Mad Men, Pan Am’s characters are seen taking full advantage of an age when sex, booze and cigarettes were liberally enjoyed.

Fly away success: The cast of Pan Am, which will be coming to a TV screen near you next month

Up and away: Sisters Laura, left, and Kate check in with their pilot for a flight in the new TV show
But unlike that show, which is veined with injustices of the time – racism and homophobia – Pan Am takes a more forgiving look at the Sixties. Even the blatant sexism is viewed more with affection than regret.
So although the air hostesses endure weigh-ins and have to wear girdles (a matron slaps one employee on the rear to make sure she has one on), the young women submit with smiles.
Star Christina Ricci says: ‘The job allowed women to have a freedom they weren’t really given in regular life then. Yes, they did have to pass girdle and grooming checks, but they were then allowed to travel freely and be in charge of their own lives.’
Here’s our who’s who guide to the high-flyers of Pan Am:

Maggie, the feisty beatnik
Maggie Ryan: Starchy stewardess, who joined the airline to see the world.
Played by: Christina Ricci, who has moved on since her days as the morbid daughter in the Addams Family.
Characteristics: Feisty and a secret beatnik who studies Marx and Hegel and listens to jazz at home.
Memorable quote: ‘I am not included in the price of your ticket.’
Strength: Resourcefulness – she often makes the impossible possible. Knows how to order a beer in 15 different languages but ‘I’m sorry’ is not in her vocabulary.
Weakness: Inability to admit mistakes.
Biography: Has struggled all her life to improve her standing in the world. Ambition runs through her veins.
Maggie is attracted to the glitz and glam of this whole new world: exotic places, fascinating people, adventure and opportunity.
The ultimate survivor, Maggie makes her own luck, climbs out of every hole (even those she’s dug for herself) and never, ever pulls a punch.

Captain Dean, the charmer
Dean Lowrey: Captain of the Clipper Majestic, he pilots the plane’s first New York to London flight.
Played by: Mike Vogel, who has quickly become one of the most sought-after young actors in Hollywood. He was most recently seen alongside Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling in Blue Valentine.
Characteristics: Handsome trailblazer and romantic, he is popular with the ladies.
Memorable quote: ‘It’s 1963 – a new generation leads.’
Strength: Industrious, professional, responsible… and just as hardworking in the charm department.
Weakness: Pride – suffers from an unwillingness and inability to admit to hurt feelings or express deep emotions.
Biography: The youngest captain in the Pan Am fleet. In flight he’s steadfast, confident and in control but on the ground and in his personal life he flounders.
Dean’s a rare breed: charming, sometimes drawn to the danger of romance, but also a believer in the power and redemption of true love.

Gorgeous and innocent Laura
Laura Cameron: Runaway bride turned stewardess is so gorgeous that Life magazine puts her picture on its cover article about the Clipper Age.
Played by: Margot Robbie – the Australian star has come a long way from playing Donna Freedman in Neighbours.
Characteristics: Innocent, enthusiastic.
Memorable quote: ‘I want to see the world.’
Strength: Adventurous – eager to take on any and every new experience. Laura is that pretty girl from school; sweet, intelligent, well-meaning.
Weakness: Naivety – her inexperience often leads her into trouble.
Biography: Is escaping a life of domestic boredom to take to the skies, but Laura is oblivious to her own charms and often unwittingly leaves a trail of heartbreak behind her.
As the newest member of the crew, her enthusiasm for new adventures frequently lands her in dangerous waters.
Fortunately, older sister Kate and the other stewardesses are there for guidance and rescue.

Confident Ted, playboy pilot
Ted Vanderway: Brash pilot whose ego is easily bruised.
Played by: Michael Mosley. Has had a long career in theatre and television and his role as the cynical, anti-social, med-school dropout in the comedy series Scrubs garnered him critical acclaim, but this is his big breakout role.
Characteristics: Self-assured playboy and womaniser.
Memorable quote: ‘I’ve hit on enough of these women to know they’re not like normal women; they’re, I don’t know . . . mutations.’
Strength: Loyalty – will go into bat for his friends and would never leave a woman in the lurch.
Weakness: Women – which says it all.
Biography: Coming from a prominent family, Ted is bullish and self-assured.
But these traits don’t always serve him well, because although he is quick with the compliments he is not so adept at handling the emotional repercussions.

Rebel Kate, the big sister
Kate Cameron: Stewardess, who dreads being overshadowed by her pretty younger sister, Laura.
Played by: Kelli Garner. Has impressed audiences in film and stage work and notably starred as actress Faith Domergue, opposite Leonardo DiCaprio’s Howard Hughes, in Martin Scorsese’s award-winning movie The Aviator.
Characteristics: Adventurer and rebel who would probably be the first to burn her bra for women’s liberation.
Memorable quote: ‘People have underestimated me my entire life. They’ve been wrong.’
Strength: Tenacity – won’t accept failure, will never stay down in a fight.
Weakness: Over-achiever – always has something to prove.
Biography: Competitive by nature, Kate has lived in the shadow of sister Laura all her life.
Kate rebelled against the life that was chosen for her, that of a wife and mother, and instead spread her own wings to fly.
Joining Pan Am was her escape, at least until Laura signed on. She takes on an even greater challenge when she agrees to spy for the CIA; a role that opens her up to a world of espionage and intrigue.

Colette and her heart of gold
Colette Valois: Kind-hearted stewardess haunted by the deaths of her parents in the Second World War.
Played by: Karine Vanasse, a French-Canadian actress soon to be seen in Woody Allen’s romantic comedy Midnight In Paris.
Characteristics: Optimist (until she discovers her new lover is a married man) and described as ‘the best friend you could ever have’.
Memorable quote: ‘Tomorrow another plane takes off to some place new. Vanished, today’s mistakes. Their only trace: a touch more wisdom.’
Strength: Resilient – puts things in perspective and doesn’t sweat over the small stuff.
Weakness: Selfless – thinks of others first and foremost, leaving her vulnerable.
Biography: Without parents to guide her, her search for fulfilment sometimes results in bad decisions, notably of a romantic nature.
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