Big Brother Stardoll(BBS), is a new Project Coming to Stardoll.
BSS It consists of giving FAME to 18 people, to Gossip about them, to learn more about them and to find the Most Loved by the audience.
This Competition will have a Task every Monday and Thursday. Each week there will be 2 Tasks. The 18 Contestants will be voted from 0 to 10 from the 5 Judges. Also each contestant must nominate a Person they want to be eliminated. Then 3 people with Less Votes from the Tasks and 1 with Most Votes nominated by the other Contestants will go on a poll for 7 Days.
Every Saturday there will be an Online Chat at Tinychat.com. Miss_LolitaF (The Creator of this Upcoming and Amazing Project we are proud to Sponsor) will be creating a Chat Page and leave a Link before it starts; there we will announce the Eliminated Contestant since the Poll will be Private. But that is not all, more surprises for the other Contestants too. This will not just be to see how they can be in or not, this will be about seeing how Good Models they can be, Are they good at making Sceneries, are they worthy of being in this Never Seen before Show?
This Show will go on for 10 Weeks. There will also be double Eliminations. Also The Winner will not will the Title of being the 1st Winner of Big Brother Stardoll but being in Lipstick Magazine Cover and 1000 Stardollars. Every Task will be announced in the Blog and also our Sponsors will keep you updated.
To Audition Please Check the Topic: Auditions going on in a Topic at the club BBStardoll. (click link to join)
Rules to enter the audition:
You have to follow: BigBrotherStardoll.blogspot.com
You must Join the Club: BBStardoll
You must have the good willing to be in it.
I'm totally gonna audition!
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