At last, peace on Stardoll! Is that what we all want? I know we all want peace in the middle east and all around the world but NOT on Stardoll! Stardoll is for fun, scandal, drama, and that fame, fashion, friends crap Stardoll uses.
If you, like me are not enjoying the peace here on Stardoll, read something. Something enjoyable, exciting, and written by a member here on Stardoll. His username is mebeRy but the name given to him by his creator is Ryan. Ryan is one talented mofo when it comes to horror stories. He wrote a few story based on stardoll members(stories aren't about going to Dollywood and shopping like other writers like to do, its about real world teen fun stuff) a while back before leaving Stardoll for personal responses.
He just released a preview of his short story called Spring Break (I believe its a preview), based on seven friends taking a little trip for spring break. These seven friends meet up in Torrence Bay, New Mexico and the only off thing is that they're being watch!
The cast is:
Ruubin as Selena
SaltyDan as Daniel
bluegreen86 as Melanie
FashionMan. as Eamonn
To_Royal as Dei
mebeRy as Ryan
I won't spoil anymore for you, this is a MUST-read! If you don't you're serious missing out on something great! Click here!
"A spear swings at her face! Linda lets an icy scream as the tip misses her by inches. " AHHHHH! Good right?
Part I is out now!
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