Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Happened to Charzilla?

Some of you have already noticed that Charlotte is no longer a contributor on the blog, and her "HATE" rant is gone. She deleted it herself because the comments were getting to her, and they got to me as well which is why I made the decision to remove her from the blog. Several people came forward expressing that they felt she was a hypocrite and they had no sympathy for her because of some vile things she had said to them and their friends, and Dan confirmed for me that it was true. Jack wrote a post on his new blog that explains everything, check it out HERE.

This whole thing with Charlotte has been very sad to watch. Personally I choose to believe her because I'd rather be the gullible person who showed someone compassion than the jerk who doubted someone that was telling the truth about something so serious. However I completely understand the people who think she's making it up, and I really don't think it's anyone's place to judge those that have come out and said they think she's lying. She chose to announce it to everyone on this blog and when you do that you need to be prepared for both positive and negative feedback. Obviously she wasn't.

I am disappointed and disgusted by the things she has said to people, she is obviously a very damaged person and I genuinely wish her the best in her journey towards mental health.

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