If you’re pathetic as me and like to reminisce about the “old days” of Stardoll, then you will love today’s “What’s up?” because we will be discussing, the old, the new ands the downright weird
Yeah, you heard read me bitches.
The dressup dolls are the foundation of Stardoll, they’re what started the whole shaboom off. Without them, we would just have 11 year olds screaming insults at us if we didn’t vote them CG. It’s nice to play with the dolls every once in a while. But recently, the dolls have become less fun to play with. Because of the better graphics, there are less clothes, what’s the point in having a realistic as fuck doll, but no clothes?
If you take a look at this *ahem* flowchart, you can see how Britney Spears’ dolls have become more and more realistic
Here’s what we think...
Selena; Well, as you said, these dolls are the foundation of Stardoll (Which was named Paperdoll Heaven when I joined in 2005) I played with them all the time! And then I noticed that there were some dolls that you needed to pay money to play with, I, my poor little self didn't pay anything to begin with, but then I was bored with all the other dolls that I had probably played with a hundred times so I made an account probably a month after I just discovered Paperdoll Heaven! It was fun to play with the SuperStar dolls! When I first joined there were no suites and your own doll! You got to choose a celebrity as your avatar picture and that was that... I think I chose Pink as my avatar :') Very nice memories!
Jack; I can never really remember Paperdoll Heaven, as I was young when I first discovered it. The thing that pisses me off now though, is that the dolls only have clothes that are available in Starplaza and most of them are freaking ugly. I miss the days where we had the creative dolls where you click on a colour to change their hair, lips, eye shadow, top, shoes etc., those dolls were the best *sighs and flutters eyelashes*, also they were ACTUAL celebs that you have ACTUALLY heard of, nowadays they’re just random tennis players or literal nobodies. I think Stardoll has enough dolls now, before you know it, they’ll be making Stardolls of Jackie Stallone.
Selena; Yes, or Jocelyn Wildenstein and Anna Anka... I totally agree with you darling, I also miss the creative dolls! I'm tired of the new dolls being released with clothes that the Queen Elisabeth wore when she was young.. Just saying, make some new clothes for the dolls! I remember when the doll section was the startpage on Paperdoll Heaven and even Stardoll! That was good times! I remember when Covergirl was a big deal! I know I'm drifting away on the boat named 'Good Times' now but you just have to excuse me, A little emotional *Wipes tear* I remember when they even removed old dolls to make room for the new ones (The new ones SUCK) I remember they removed Lil Kim and I was FURIOUS! I loved that doll, it was my favourite doll, BTW she looked like a complete whore ; ) I'm team Lil Kim if anyone wonders!
Jack; It is weird how they removed some of the old dolls and the fact that they removed Lil’ Kim and replaced her with TWO Justin Bieber dolls is apaulling. Stardoll is moulding around the lives of 9 year olds, I think they forget that the large proportion of their active community consists of US TEENAGERS, they need to listen up and start doing things we want. I say they allow swear words, but whatever, I mean anyone who is stupid enough to be offended by pixels is just pft. I’m moving off subject now, the old dolls should be brought back and the new crappy non celebrities should be REMOVED.
Selena; I totally agree...Again! Justin Bieber can put the two nasty dolls of up his ass! Along with all the other things he probably is putting up there... Now with that out of my system... My all time favourite doll is still there! Lily Cole! (The old one) I just love and adore her clothes there, and her pose!! And her hair! And ALL the other things! she has Lottery Dresses and all, that makes her just a little more special! I wonder, where did the fun of playing with the dolls go? It went down the drain when they decided to DELETE old dolls and replace them with those new ugly ones with my grandmas wardrobe. Nuff said.
Jack; I could not agree more Selenapea, the best doll out there has to be Lily Cole, she is the most special doll ever! As for the other dolls who have adopted Wal-Mart rejects for there wardrobe need be gone, up Justin’s ass.
P.S; If you didn't notice, if Ruubin appears in tags, it means Selena composed the post, if freeduck_ appears in tags, it means I (Jack) composed the post.
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