"If she thinks that, then she is wrong. I am going to stand up for what I believe in - which is, if you say you are going to leave Stardoll then do it." (LOL)
This BIG, confusing fight going on between Mel, Kasia, Mary, and Tyler can be summed up like this (if you do not feel like reading the interview):
-Tyler had nothing to do with Eternity - just suggestions.
-Mel felt that the idea of nudity and fur was Ghetto, but fell for their little peer pressure when she heard Naomi Campbell had did it.
-Tyler is in denial.
-Mary is in denial.
-Kasia... is well, in denial.
-Mel, was in denial, until she came out in the comments of Charlotte's "Overreacting or stating the facts?" post.
Our interview, in it's entirety:
Anthony: Tyler. What was your part in the winter 2010 issue of Eternity Magazine?
Tylerisbold: To be completely and genuinely honest, I had no part. You see, when I was told about the article ideas for the comeback issue - I immediately decided that I was going to sit out for the making. Mary was totally OK with it, for she knew that I would not write something I was not inspired by.
Anthony: How do you feel about the graphics? Do you wish that you had more of a say in it?
Tylerisbold: I mean, I did have a say in the graphics and idea process - but it is not Mary would have changed her mind once it was already set.
Anthony: So you are saying that you had nothing to do with this issue - yet you took up for it, and pinned some of the blame on yourself. Why?
Anthony: Hello? Earth to Tyler...
Tylerisbold: OK, so here is the deal. I did have say in what went into the magazine's contents - but I really did not have a final confirmation. Therefor, I knew that whatever I said was just an idea. No official "job" was assigned to me for the issue. And, that being said... I do realize that I should not have took Kasia's comment as serious as I did. But I have noticed in the past that almost anything said or made up about me, people are going to believe. It is kind of sickening really, I sort of had to defend myself.
Anthony: Why did you have a tantrum and tell Mary to fire Mel?
Tylerisbold: Mel is an icon on Stardoll, people look up to her and they respect her. She is innocent in the eyes of the public. I had a feeling that something would go wrong and if it did, people would be on her side. Mel was too complicated with the idea process, honestly. And I think she should speak for herself, not have Kasia do for her. Mel wanted to be naked on the cover, without fur. She sated that wearing faux fur would make her appear "ghetto". Is the word ghetto not as offensive as the photo shoot was to some?
Anthony: 90 percent of art involves nudity... and I would say that 0 percent is ghetto.... So does this mean that there are still hard feelings between the two of you?
Tyler: Yes! I do - as would I. I feel that if not done artfully, fur can end up making you look like a whore in a B.E.T. music video... but that is off subject.
Anthony: Are there still hard feelings between the two of you?
Tylerisbold: Mel and I? There never was any.
Anthony: Aw, yes - but one would assume this because of your little fight. So, you guys are cordial. Why did Kasia let on that Mel was angry at you in her comments? They are best friends, and Mel tells her everything.
Tylerisbold: For manipulating her or something, yeah. Due to the fact that I "pushed" Mel into wearing fur rather than being completely nude. Plus, we already had a pose made by Alice (Hunnigall) for the cover. Which, indeed was not as revealing nor what Mel wanted. Something more risque was in mind, should I had? Once she saw Naomi Campbell had worn fur, naked: she was set. I can only imagine what Kasia would say if the photo shoots consisted of all nudity.
Anthony: How do you feel about Kasia's "breakdown" on the subject?
Tylerisbold: I did not... Think. I really did not care. I found out through a Stardoll-based blog and I did not even bother to log into Stardoll to view them. But when I did end up logging in, they were gone. Deleted I assume. If Kasia wants to stand up for something that she believes in, I am not going to stop her - but it was very unwise for her to consult me as if I owned the magazine myself, publicly.
How do you feel about the return of Stardoll's freakshow?
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