Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mad Hatter's Best and Worst Dressed

The Mad Hatter

Anthony: This look is SORT OF AMAZING. This goes perfectly with the theme of the party... an exact fit, actually. The Mad Hatter's Tea party... and she dressed as the mad hatter. I loved the hair and makeup, and how you translated this look from masculine to feminine, with your layering! I love layers! This look is soooo fashion forward.

Dan: Olivia looked amazing, I loved the hair and make up she chose and how she made the Mad Hatter female, I never expected that and sometimes I love unexpected fashion, the outfits is not amazing but the over all look is great!

Perez: I love when people try to duplicate looks from movies and celebrities, the more accurate the better. It's the whole reason I started throwing theme parties! I really wish she had accessorized more, there's just so much to Tim Burton's version of the Mad Hatter to work with, and I wish she had made herself paler (like with that translucent make-up mask from Tingling), but overall it was a good match.

Charlotte: Woah! I really do like this MeDoll - the face. It looks very much like The Mad Hatter! I feel as though she could have gone above and beyond with the full outfit though, the outfit just doesn't work for me, very... bland? Whatever, I still think that the face was GREAT!!!

Nicole:I agree with the rest of the team, this outfit is GENIUS. The make up is great, the outfit is superb and the theme of the MeDoll is spot on! It is a great interpretation of a mad-hatter. The whole look is very couture and I love it!

PSG Staff
Nicole-0, N1mka4eva, Perez, Springy

Dan: Firstly, Perez looks utterly fabulous it's how I imagine Alice in Wonderland would look is she were a scene kid. Charlotte's outfit is cute, it's very in-keeping with her personal style and I think that can be important, I wish she'd have added a splash of color though. Not a fan of Anthony and Nicole's outfits, I'm afraid. Nicole looks like Lily Cole from The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and that's cute but she looks like she has a fat ass. Anthony looks like he's in a maternity dress. Who's the daddy, Anthony?

Anthony: I may be biased, but I thought all of the PSG staff looked amazing. Although Charli and Nicole's outfits are a little bland, they coordinate well and fit their personalities. Perez was the ring master of this party, and reflected that - showing that she could lead the stardoll pack with her outfit. The layering of the hats was very nice on Perez's part. The daddy's a bee, Dan! I was wearing the whole fucking garden! hahahaha

Perez: I actually liked Nicole's look! She does look like Lily Cole, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It's very English equestrian chic, she looks like a contestant on America's Next Top Model who they'd have posing next to a horse in a green pasture. Charlotte always looks cool, I like her hat. It's sort of amazing to me how she only seems to wear like 10-15 items from her wardrobe over and over again, yet re-arranges and re-imagines them into so many different looks. I love my outfit! I wish I could wear that skirt in real life because it is ridiculous. The layering of the hats was inspired by Gwen Stefani in the "What You Waiting For?" video Springy, when she's twins with herself (Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum). Dude you so do look knocked up, now that Dan brings it up I totally see it! :D:D

Charlotte: My favourite outfit from the staff is a tie between Perez and Nicole! I just love their outfits, sure, they're simplistic, but they really do go with the theme and they're really fun! I love Nicole's layering especially! On to Anthony's outfit, I do like it since I looove the flowers! But it just seems a little.. overloaded and crazeh!

Nicole: Firstly, I would just like to agree with Dan, I do look like I have a fat ass LOL! I think all of the other outfits are amazing. I love the way Anthon has created such an abstract and bold statement outfit, it is quite difficult to pull suite objects off as outfits, but Anthony nailed it! Obviously Perez's outfit rocks my socks! She WAS Alice in Wonderland totally! Charlottes outfit is chic, sophisticated and I love it! Perhaps abit of colour could have made the outfit abit more..BAM!

K_E_O_S_H_A, Lilaaa, gkmktk

Dan: The first girl looks like a mime/stripper working hard for the money. I like Lilaaa's outfit, I like the hand belt across the chest, that was a fun little quirk, could have done without the mask though. Gkmktk's idea is nice but I don't really get it? she looks like a tree?

Anthony: These outfits were a little bland for me. Gkmktk's look was a little outlandish, but then again... this was a crazy party. K_E_O_S_H_A's outfit was very cute. Her look was sort of a mix between Viktor and Rolf, Wunderking, and Junya watanabe. She tied in some good ideas. Lilaaa's outfit was a little on the predictable side, but it was still cute. It coordinated well.

Perez: I really liked K_E_O_S_H_A's outfit, it's beautifully put together. She does look like a mime, but a cool one I'd want to hang out and go shopping with. Does this make me a John?? :D:D Lilaaa looked so great! I loved it, I would have worn different shoes though probably ankle boots in a fun color and tights. gkmktk's outfit could have been really cool, but it looks unfinished. Like she got bored halfway through putting it together and was like, "Fuck it, I'm gonna go make a sandwich."

Charlotte: Eh... I don't really feel much for these outfits at all! Though, I'm usually a fan of GKMKTK's outfits, this one just made me really quite confused and wondering ''what was she thinking?!'' D;

Nicole: What is with the creepy faces? Im not really a huge fan of Keosha's outfit. It kinda scares me and she looks like Michael Myers from the 'Halloween' movies! Lila, despite wearing the hideous mask, is expressing such a playful, fun and engergetic outfit which I absolutely adore. Usually I find gkmktk's outfits refreshing and different, but in a good way. However this time, I don't really get 'the look'. She kinda looks like a tree, but I think the hat is quite creative and could of worked well with a different outfit.

Best, Blah, & Okay
Hunnigall, John2_el_mejor, BeverlyHillsHei

Anthony: People can call John2_el_mejor some sort of male style genius all they want, but I think (just like always) in this look, he resembles a CHEAP 80's pimp. White, parachute pants with grey pin-stripes just SCREAM Duece Bigalo, European gigalo. THAT'S IT. He looked like a sleezy gigalo. Complete with the random cane, and top hat. He is not the idea of frenchmen chic. At every event he pulls together the same concept with different clothes. I felt the same way with Ashley. These aren't the old days of stardoll. Outfits don't get on best dressed lists because of the shear reason of eliteness. Ashley stepped out of the spotlight with this one. Hunnigall looked like a high society woman from the 1800's. I loved it.

Dan: Ashley is wearing a potato sack and a tourist helmet, the color and presentation are bad, I don't like her outfit. Hunnigal looks so cute, like a burlesque Beatrix Potter, I love her hat, it's easily the best of the theme and I love how she included the twitter bird, so cute! I agree with Anthony about the guy, I heard a while back he was crazy fashionable, but i've never seen any evidence, he looks like he's stumbled out of retirement home in those slacks.

Perez: I love EVERYTHING that Alice does, she always looks cool and her outfits are super creative and pulled together yet she never looks like she's trying. It comes very naturally to her, and I think that's why I'm so obsessed with her. That hat is mayjah, she's definitely my #1 choice for best dressed for the whole night. I don't really know John2_el_mejor and I hadn't heard much about him before, so I don't know of this fashion reputation he has. I've seen pictures of him on blogs and I like how he incorporates dresses and skirts and things into his outfits in a non-tranny way. I kinda hoped he'd do something like that for the party, but I didn't think this outfit was bad. It needed like a cool vest or coat though. I really like BeverylyHillsHei's dress, yet another freaking thing I missed out on during my absence I guess because I don't remember ever seeing it in the shop. I love how you're giving her attitude Anthony lol! I mean, Ash isn't known for being super creative fashion-wise. She is the "throw-on-a-dress-and-whatever" girl. What did you expect?? :D:D

Charlotte: I think that all of these outfits are so different.. but of course Hunnigall's has to be my utmost favourite, heck, even in my top two favourite of the night! :D She's just too darn creative, gotta love it! As for John's outfit, I feel that he didn't even really try. I mean, I know that it must be harder for the boys to get crazy fun outfits, but at least make an effort, right? I like Ashley's outfit, especially since she was only told about the party during it! :)

Nicole: WOW, Alice (hunnigal) has completely smashed every other HAT out of the competetion. It is beautifully put together, as is her whole outfit, although she looks like 'bull-fighter' those people who wave the red cloth at the bulls. But nonetheless, I still love it! John2_el_mejor looks 'OK', there are so many boys on here who have great style and he is one of them, just quite disappointed he didnt really go all out. He looks like a genie. As for Ashley, I am just happy she finally changed her frickin' outfit! Seriously though, I do love this outfit, I think it is sophisticated and elegant and extremely stylish! Work it girl!

LV Bunny Ears
Manolo.DiCicco, writemarycat, Kamil01

Dan: Mary looks stunning, I especially love the lower half of her outfit, it's so 80's and I love the 80's I envy anyone born in the 80's! Both the guys look like Mary's backing dancers though, their outfits are so similar. I prefer Manolo.DiCicco's look but he still looks like a highly camp stripper.

Anthony: All of these look the same. I've seen too much of these bunny ears. I will say, that I was in completely LOVE with Mary's look. The LV tights, the layered shoes, the bag, the belt - it all added up. I think she was the belle of the ball. Mary's fashion sense is impecable, no doubt about it.

Perez: You know what, it's hard for guys to put together an interesting outfit on Stardoll with the lack of clothing available to them, so I'm always impressed when they do. I think Manolo looks glamorous and very Vegas, like a young Elton John. Kamil's outfit is so badass, he looks like an angry high fashion hobo who won the lottery and spent all of his money on designer clothing and wanders the streets in Dolce & Gabanna pushing a shopping cart. I have to say, I'm way more impressed with Mary's little city than I am with her outfit, that's why I took the photo so wide! I love it, I love the DKNY building, the lights, the stars. It's genius.

Charlotte: My number one outfit of the night - MARY! Ah, I just loved everything about her outfit! So cute and sweet!! :) I really did love everyone's outfits in this section though! Ah, Kamil my love, I love every outfit he makes, he's one of the most creative boys on stardoll in my opinion, this outfit is no exception! Manolo's outfit is nice, I don't really like that brown fur with his outfit though.

Nicole: Another INSANE outfit by Mary, She looks completely gorgeous. I love the pink and black, they are a great combination of colour. The whole 'LV' look rocks in my opinion! Aswell as her cool city suite! Manolo.DiCicco has immense style! Truly love this boys style. He smashes Tyler's outfit into the ground, hands down. I love the dramatic looks he pulls off. Kamil01's outfit is a little bit too gothic and scary for my liking. It is just too morbid, I was expecting bright colours or something at the party. Not death on a plate..sorry Kamil

White Top Hats
ShoutNSing, colleenballeen, ny_cutie

Anthony: ny_cutie's outfit was gorgeous. The only set back, was the fuzzy slippers. HELLO, you aren't going to a ghetto grocery store, you're going to a club's opening party. ShoutNSing's outfit reminded me of a watered down version of Ny's. Colleenballeen looked... rough. I'm sorry, but her outfit made NO sense to me. Random chola earings, a bird, and sparkly booty shorts are more crap that couture.

Perez: None of these outfits were particularly special. ShoutNSing and ny_cutie are both pretty (and identical, though I know not on purpose), but boring. colleenballeen's outfit just confuses me.

Dan: I quite like them all, I find all three slightly bland but nothing to hate on, colleenballeen kinda looks like she's auditionong for Flashdance and I LURVE that mocie!

Charlotte: Gotta agree with P on this one.. these outfits were just a whole lotta blah.

Nicole: I agree with most of the negative comments on these outfits. Definetly does not look like you guys are going to a mad-hatter's tea party, more like a strip club!

Dark Angels
tcholas, fayasi, Star_Awards, Lipgloss.Lady

Dan: I like Lipgloss.Lady's hat, it's kind of flapper style, shame the rest of her outfit is too fussy. Vanessa looks like the new member of the Pussycat Dolls, I love it, tasseled underwear is cute! Fayasi looks bad, less is more honey, all the layering just makes you look like Susan Boyle pre-make over.

Anthony: I thought they all looked similar. Tcolas' outfit was a bit clunky in my oppinion. Pick the feathers or ruffles, is my advice for her. Fayasi's outfit was quite random, and quite contrary to Perez's opinion, Lipgloss.Lady's hat was stripper-esque. I don't know why.

Perez: tcholas93 layering of the Marchesa dress with that top looked really pretty, and I like the feather headdress. She's like a cross between Liza Minelli and Cher at a cocktail party. And she looks mean like she'd cut you with a steak knife, but in a good way.. ya know? fayasi has a bad case of clothes vomit. That's what I call it when people put a lot of shit on just for the sake of having a lot of shit on. Isabella.Arci is the only person I think can get away with that, and even she screws up sometimes. Layer in moderation folks. Star_Awards is the finest pants-less circus pirate I've ever seen! Lipgloss.Lady's hat/headress is super glamorous, I agree with Dan it has a 20's flapper vibe. I don't see stripper at all. If she had chosen a pencil skirt and boots or pointy-toed heels this would have been a sharper look.

Charlotte: Ah.. little Fading Fayzi!! I would say how much I totally hate her outfit and that it makes me feel physically sick, but her parents might find her crying, and ''call their lawyers'' on me again. ;) One of the worst of the night - Lipgloss.Lady. I really do dislike it, I don't even know why! Maybe it's the bad layering or the nothing matching, eh! I feel as though I've seen Tcholas93's outfit before.. and as for Star_awards' outfit, I think it's rather awesome, though a little scary with that sword!!

Nicole: I personally really like tcholas's outfit, I love that ruffled top and although the outfit is pretty plain, I think it works nicely with the theme. I also love star_awards outfit, I think it is revealing but in a tasteful way, with an edgyness to it, which doesn't make it trampy/slutty or boring. I also love how she has accessorised, the sword was a great touch to the outfit! The other two are not really worth mentioning about. Boring. Lifeless.

Black and a Splash of Color
7amida, nojarama, marikate14

Anthony: None of these outfits were good, but next to each other... Marikate14's outfit was the best. The outfit was too business-chic for me. I don't really understand the fedora with the rest of the look. Nojarama looks like Aladdin on CRACK.

Perez: Umm..I'm gonna have to agree with Anthony. 7amida is bueno. nojarama looks sort of like what a member of a fairytale boy band would look like. I think that's maybe a compliment actually! I can see it now, the band's name is Pinocchio and the Real Boys and they're on stage performing their #1 single, "Quit Putting Spells On My Heart." marikate14 doesn't look bad, but her outfit is too matchy matchy.

Charlotte: I am agreeing with Perez and Anthony on this one. None of the above outfits are particularly good.. perhaps imaginative, though? If I had to choose out of the three it would be Marikate's outfit, even though it's simple and to be honest - boring! As for Nojarama... what were you thinking?! :D

Nicole: I disagree with the others. I think that if 7amida had a neater ensemble, it would be one of my favourites. I think it's playful, colourful and cute. I love the 'sweets' or 'candy' idea of the outfit. I find the other two quite boring. In fact all three are very sloppy!

Dan: I love the tulle at the bottom of 7amida's dress, it's colorful and playful and really cute and I like her bag, she's looks like teenage Dora: The Explorer with blue hair! Marikate's outfit is nice but it's not very dressy, it's obvioulsy not been especially chosen for the party but it's cute. Nojarama looks horrible, I've nothing nice to say.

fig36, babii--girl, vasia28, MeDoll-JustMe

Perez: I really like this floral girly ensemble on fig36, and the fan as a hat was a great idea! This outfit makes me yearn for Spring, it's lovely. babii--girl's outfit would have been better without the necklace. It's sort of nautical/nurse. I don't really get the layering of the shoes. But whatever, I hadn't seen her in forever so it was great that she came! vasia28 needed to lose that fedora, I just wanted to rip it off her head. I do like how she incorporated the fans, lamp, and chains, and I think it would have looked better with pants and some other sort of hat. MeDoll-JustMe is a Greek goddess! I think her medoll is insanely pretty, and I really liked this look. It's simple and fresh and elegant.

Charlotte: I love two of these outfits - Vasia's and Babii--giirls! I think that Vasia's is really creative and fun, sort of reminds me of some spring water princess (that sounds odd :V) but yeah, one of my favourites! And Babii--giirls is really great too, I love the shoes and she looks like a little sailor! As for MeDoll-JustMe and fig36's outfits - I think that they're boring! I mean, come on, it's a costume party, think creatively!

Anthony: Vasia looks AMAZING. I simply love this look. I would have never though of using fans as the top for an outfit. Medoll-JustMe's outfit was a little on the boring side, but I liked it. It conveyed the right point - you don't need so much to go with a simple flower garland. She looked etherial, in my oppinion. Fig36 looked too plain.

Nicole: I LOVE all of these outfits. These girls seriously know how to create a fabulous outfit. fig36's outfit is super cute, and I like how she chose something different to be a hat, but this was my least favourite of the four! babii--girl's outfit is chic and I love the 'sailor' look, I think it is preppy and interesting! The shoes stick out like soar thumbs though! I would have just stuck with classic neautral coloured heels, as the outfit is quite complex itself. Vasia is a style icon, I love every outfit she pulls out, and clearly this one is no exception, except I agree with Perez that hat should be burned and V should never wear it again. I love how she has used a variety of materials to create this elegant look. LOVE IT! I do like MeDoll-JustMe's outfit, it is very classical and goddess like, however she could have given it more of an edgier feel to it.

Dan: I quite like them all, just like Nicole! fig39 looks so cute with her fan hat, she's got the nicest outfit here in my opinion, babii--girl kinda looks cute but I think the outfit is too scrunched togther and it makes her look kind of short? The other two are cute but unmemorable, sorrys.

Tea Pots
vanilladream123, dirk691, Dolphingiggle

Charlotte: Yikes, to all of these! I severely dislike these outfits. D;

Anthony: Dirk's outfit was the least painful of these three.... although, it wasn't too cute in itself. Is she hiding a scared octopus in her hair? haahah! It looks like an ink explosion went on.

Nicole: Well, what can I say about these outfits..UMM...UM...UM I guess I kinda like the tea-pot idea for a hat but vanilladream's outfit SUCKS. Dirk691..all I can say is put some clothes on. Lastly, Dolphingiggle's outfit is best of all three. It is quite cute. The longer I stared at it, the more I ended up liking it.

Dan: I love vanilladreams hat, one of the best hats on here in my view, it's such a Wonderland idea, gorgeous - shame the rest of the outfit screams homeless person. Anne-Catherine looks pretty but where is your top, bitch? Other girl; YAWNNN!

Perez: I really love vanilladream123's teapot hat as well, I think she was going for her own version of a preppy Mad Hatter. I liked the overall look a lot! dirk691...I think she was trying for a sexy high fashion vibe, but it just looks sloppy. The layering of the necklaces instead of a top could have looked good had she put more effort into the placement of the necklaces. Dolphingiggle (which by the way is the cutest username ever), I'm going to have to disagree with everyone, I liked her outfit. It's Victorian chic!

Psychotic-Freak, Slaggot, Zephora101, Gweneee

Charlotte: I am in LOVE with Psycholtic-Freak's outfit, it's so well put together, at first glance you would think that it's just one dress when in fact it's several, yay for you! I like Slaggots outfit, but I feel like there's something missing?... The tights are great though! Zephora and Gweneee...were they joking? :D

Nicole: Psycholtic-Freak looks fabulous, like a modern Queen Of Hearts! LOVE IT! I agree with Nicole, there is something missing on Slaggot's outfit, it's cute but nothing I'll remember in a hurry! Well, I kinda like Zephora101's outfit, I mean of course it is sloppy and the items of clothing are abit BLAH but I think considering she did it last minute, it is quite nice. On the other hand, Gweneee, oh dear! You look like a failed witch on halloween :(

Perez: Psychotic-Freak looked stunning, she really did a good job layering the gown. I think Slaggot just showed up in whatever she had on at the time, but since the headband could be considered a hat/headdress I thought I'd include her. And I really like those tights! Zephora101 mentioned during the party that she just went into the Evil Panda store and bought a bunch of stuff and that's how she came up with her outfit. I'm not surprised. Still, she put way more effort into her outfit than Gweneee did! You girls are both lovely, Just, no.

Anthony: I don't really like Psychotic-Freak's look, sorry Charli. The layering was messy, and the makeup/hair was totally lackluster. Slaggot looked boring. It was a cute outfit for regular stardoll days, but not for the opening of a club. The two tones of gold clashed, in my oppinion. OH.. how cute! Zephora101 matched her outfit to the rug. NOT. Hahahaha.

Dan: I Actually love them, just for the wrong reasons! Zephora looks kind of cute but it's not a party outfit, a Halloween one? YES! Gweneee looks like shit, her weave has slipped from her head, but she's saved the day with a leprechaun hat? *giggles*

Winter4543, To_Royal, mimi2Q8, Stefaroni

Perez: Why?

Charlotte: Oh.. wow. Who else thinks that these are the worst set of outfits that anyone could have possibly worn? Sure, wings go with the theme a little I guess, but I'm just not feeling it.

Anthony: I agree with perez. Dei looked fabulous as usual, but I still didn't really understand the concept. The rest looked rode hard.

Nicole: All I can say is WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW to Psychotic-Freak! Absolutely beautiful outfit. I love the dress and accesorising she has done. I disagree with Anthony, I think the messy layering fits nicely with the 'ruffle' effect. The rest are boring :(

Dan: Fugly. Dei looks cute apart from the wings, the rest look like Victoria Secret's reject bin.

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